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It had been a long day, to say the least. You had been taking tests in four of your advanced classes in school, and you're not sure how you did. You had piles of homework to do after school, and, the worst one yet, your father had eaten all of the pizza rolls.

You grunted in frustration, slamming the freezer door shut. You stomped to your room and laid on your bed, face completely suffocated in the pillow. You yelled into the pillow, making it muffled. You laid like that for a few minutes before dragging yourself up and to your desk. You took out your textbooks and got to work.

It was only an hour in when your mechanical pencil ran out of led. You sighed and hurled it across the room in anger. Today was not your day. You scurried over to your backpack and grabbed a spare pencil and jingled it to ensure that it was loaded with 0.7 led. You huffed and planted yourself back at your desk.

It was 7:30 when your mom called you down for dinner. You finished up your sentence and hurried down the stairs, hunger eating away at your stomach. You chowed down the lasagna in record time, then went back to your homework.

Ten minutes in, you had your head rested on your arms over your scattered papers, snoring away. You woke up a little before midnight, and sat up, groggily rubbing your eyes. You looked over to your nightstand to check the time. When the clock blinked 11:57, you gasped loudly and cursed.

You grabbed your phone and it illuminated your face as you scrolled through your texts. Your boyfriend Peter had texted you a couple times, and at eleven he had said goodnight, and just assumed that you went to bed particularly early.

Still groggy, you texted him back.


You closed your phone and began to do your homework again, but your eyes slowly drooped. Your phone vibrated loudly, snapping you back awake. Peter had texted you back.

That was total gibberish, everything okay?

You cradled the phone in your hand and responded, now being fully awake.

Doing homework, kinda half awake. What r you doing up?

It didn't take long for him to answer you.

Patrolling. I was gonna check by your house soon to see why you didn't give me a heart filled goodnight 💔

You gently shook your head, smiling. You loved that dork so much.

"Where's my heart filled goodnight?"

You turned around to see Spider-Man squatting on your windowsill. You had left your window open because it was particularly hot in your room, and you were glad. You put a hand over your heart and laughed gently.

"My god, Peter. You scared me." You saw the eyes on his mask widen as he dropped onto your carpet. You pushed your chair back and stood up, walking over to him. He peeled his mask off and sent an adorable, bright smile your way.

"Would you rather me leave?" He asked, pointing back to the window. You quickly shook your head and put your arms around his torso, his around your neck. You leaned your head on his chest and sighed, beginning to lean heavily on him.

"Hey." He said gently, patting your back. "You tired, princess?" You nodded sleepily. "I need to finish my homework, though." He smiled down at you even though you couldn't see him.

"You can do it tomorrow." You sighed again and closed your eyes, shaking your head. "I should really finish it."

Peter gently pushed you away. "Noooo." You whined, eyes still closed and arms outstretched. "You're warm."

The boy hooked your legs around his arm and swung you up bridal style. You didn't complain, just snuggled into his chest. He laughed gently at your reaction and walked over to your bed slowly.

He set you down gently, but you didn't unlatch your arms from his neck. He laughed softly, "Come on, (Y/N), let go." You shook your head and with a newfound strength, yanked him into the bed with you.

You cuddled up close to him, facing him around wrapping your arms around his neck again. You leaned your head forward until your foreheads were touching.

"Stay." You murmured, and he swiped a piece of hair out of your face and behind your ear. It didn't take much to convince him, as always. When he looked at your face, he forgot the word no even existed.

He only nodded in response, tugging your hips closer to his. He loved your body warmth, and longed for it constantly. They couldn't do this often, and he loved moments like these.

And you did, too. You loved those moments were you've never felt more safe in his arms. You loved how there was no gap between your bodies, except for his suit.

"Peter?" "Yeah, princess?" You snuggled up even closer to him. "You're really great." He only smiled down at you.

Soon after, he could hear your soft snores fill the room. He sighed in content and closed his eyes, pulling you impossibly closer. He leaned his lips to your ears and whispered, "I love you."

His heart immediately sped up after he said that. You two haven't said that before, and this was big for him, even though you were asleep. But, you weren't. "I love you, too, Pete."

Peter's heart did backflips.

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