Gained Within Time (1)

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'Vision is perfect.' Tony Stark, your father, had always said. 'He could never mess up.'

Well, he stopped believing that on Tuesday.

You and Peter Parker had been training in Stark Tower when an attack underwent the building. You two went to the same school, and had been dating for five months now. You were so incredibly happy with him, and trusted him with your life, as he did for you.

To everyone's surprise, you didn't really have a superhero name, you were just always referred to as (Y/N). You had the ability to be invisible and had super strength, and Peter was determined to give you a name over the past five months, but hadn't thought of one yet that you had liked.

Peter latched a web to you, sticking onto your wrist. You pulled with strength and brought him flying toward you, and jumped up horizontally, whacking him in the chest, forcefully hurling him backwards and successfully getting the web off of you.

"Ow." He groaned, rolling over and onto his back. "Remind me to never get on your bad side." He moaned, and you giggled while helping him up. "Come on, we have more training to do." You said while pulling him up.

You jogged backwards to the opposite side of the room and geared yourself back up for another round of training.

"If I win this time, you're buying dinner tonight." You bet, smirking. Peter scoffed and got his web shooters ready. "And if I win, then you're buying dinner, pretty lady."

You absolutely loved how Peter always called you pretty lady, it was just his name for you. He used it for the first time when he asked you out.

Peter had been acting odd all that day, and you were done with it, ready to confront him. When you did, he stuttered, "W-Will yo-ou go out w-with me, pretty lady?"

"Only in your dreams, Parker!" You called playfully to your boyfriend, unable to control your smile. This boy made you so happy, and you were grateful to be a part of his life.

Then, the floor beneath you shook like crazy as a loud bang followed. You slipped and fell to the floor hardly as the ground continued to shake. Peter ran over to you and helped you back up frantically, "Are you hurt?" You shook your head and then he said, "Come on."

Peter lead you out of the training room and into the living room. There was a giant, ragged hole in the wall and someone was standing right in the middle of the room, arms crossed, smirk plastered on their face. His face was blue, and his clothes were black.

"Why, hello there, kids." You could tell it was a male from the voice and scowled, fear beginning to trickle into your veins. "Who are you?" You asked, trying to look more confident with your stance.

The man opened his mouth to answer the question when all of the Avengers charged into the room, going in front of you and Peter as if to protect you. Tony spoke first, but it wasn't directed to the man. "Oh my god! My house! There's a hole in my house! Do you have any idea how much that will cost!?"

"Quiet, you imbecile." The man said while holding up one hand. Tony shut up and stared the man down with such hate that the man felt a drop of fear, but he quickly brushed it off.

"I am Skylar, King of Devinares." He, Skylar, began to walk slowly, arms across and behind his back in a resting position. "My kingdom will someday thrive, and that will only happen if every person with abilities is dead. We want to rule the earth, and you blundering idiots are in our way."

Tony scoffed and rolled his eyes. "There's ten of us and one of you, do you really think that you are going to win?"

Skylar shrugged, then stretched out his arms. Blue glowed from his palms and you took a step backward, eyes wide. Peter instinctively put his arm on yours, eyes concentrated on the scene before you.

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