Who Is She? (2)

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Sorta includes Infinity War spoilers but kinda not because I haven't seen the movie so I'm basing it off a scene that I barely know so here we go

Over the next few months, you and Peter grew incredibly close. You two always worked best with one another, so you were always teamed up together. When you weren't trying to take down Thanos, you were hanging out, a never ending smile plastered on your face.

You soon learned that you were attached to the boy. You fell for him almost as fast as Thanos's snap. You were almost sure that you loved him, but were certain that it was strictly a friendship and nothing more, no matter how bad you wanted it to be.

"Peter! Come here!" You yelled from the couch while braiding your long hair. Peter came in and smiled at your form. "Hey, can you grab me one of the teeny tiny elastics, pretty please?" He nodded and left the room, wandering the spaceship for the bathroom. He found them and brought them back to you just as you were finishing up your braid.

"Thanks." You grabbed it out of his hand and wrapped it around the end of your hair.

Peter couldn't stop staring at your gentle, delicate movements. He loved watching you braid your hair, it was mesmerizing. In fact, he loved just about everything about you. He loved how your eyes sparkled whenever he talked about ice cream, or when he said a joke and he got to hear your angelic laughter.

"Guys." Tony said, stomping into the room with his iron man suit on. You knew he would only have it on for a reason, so you stood up and by Peter. "Suit up, kids. We need all the help that we can get."

You ran to the other room, grabbing your suit off its hanger and yanking it on in record time. You scrambled out of the ship and ran over to the group, Peter on your heels.

Tony was at the end of telling his plan when you got over there. Peter Quill, a man from the Guardians of the Galaxy, put a hand up. "I like that plan, but it's incredibly stupid and I have a better one." Tony rolled his eyes, but heard him out.

Thanos was coming soon. You and Peter were supposed to distract Thanos while the others took the stones from his hands. The plan was pretty stupid and probably impossible, but you tried it anyway, considering there was nothing more that you could do.

You and Peter stood by one another while everyone else was getting ready for the attack. "I'm scared." You whispered, sneaking a glance at the boy. He laughed, "I'm scared too, Flash—" "Please." You interrupted. "Call me by my name."

He nodded. "Well, I'm scared, too, (Y/N). But, I swear that I will protect you for as long as I can and keep you safe. I promise." You sent him a small smile. "Right back at you."

Suddenly, the floor began to vibrate as Thanos landed on the planet. You looked up then quickly to Peter. "You ready?" You asked uneasily. He nodded, and you turned back to the ginormous creature.

You ran for him with all of your might and began to make circles around him. He coughed and tried to reach down to grab you, but you were fast enough and made him miss. He yelled out in anger and began to swat at the floor, hoping to get you one of the times.

For once, the Titan was stumped. He didn't know how to stop you. You continued to run around him, building up your energy. Soon you had to jump up and punch him, then that's where Peter would come in.

So, you ran until you reached your max energy, and zipped away from him. You ran around the planet, scaling it in a mere ten seconds. You were gaining on him, and he never turned around, and you believed that you had him.

You leapt up and soared through the air, your right fist out. At the same time, Thanos turned around and reached his arm out, opening his hand wide. You landed right in it, and he squeezed, instantly believing that he killed you.

Thanos opened his palm to show the Avengers that you were there, completely unmoving. Peter gasped, anger instantly flooding his veins as the man threw you to the floor as if you were worthless.

"Do you really think that a mortal can beat me?" He asked while laughing deeply. Everyone, even Peter, were too busy staring at him with anger that they didn't even see you zip by them.

You tried again, relying on the plan to work this time. You ran around the planet and for Thanos's back. Everyone collectively gasped as the Titan suddenly lurched forward, falling to the floor. You ran on top of his back so Peter could see you.

"Spidey, now!" You yelled, but he didn't move. You sighed anxiously and ran to him, yanking him to the fallen man. Peter quickly regained his senses and began to wrap web around the man, pinning him to the ground.

You ran over and collected every single stone from his outstretched hand, which was four. You went to Tony and put them in his hand, smiling.

Peter ran over to you. "Did we do it?" He asked, and then saw the stones glimmering in Tony's iron hand. Suddenly, the earth began to rumble beneath you. You looked over and saw that Thanos slowly began to disappear, just as Doctor Strange and Mantis did. Soon, he was gone.

And then dust was swirling in the air. Slowly, the dust was stacking on itself and figures began to form. Doctor Strange, Bucky, Drax, Mantis, Gamora, Quill, everyone who was gone was now back.

You slowly turned your gaze to Peter and smiled widely, hurting your cheeks. "We did it, Pete. We did it."

He turned and wrapped his arms around you, lifting you off the ground. You squealed in delight, looking down at the boy. "We did it." You whispered, still looking into his eyes, and vice versa. His eyes flicked down to your lips, then back to your eyes.

And he didn't waste another moment. He put you down and snaked his arms around your waist, pulling you in for a kiss. You instantly kissed back, putting your arms around his neck, pulling him even closer.

This, this felt so right. It felt right to be held by him, and to kiss him, and to love him. When he pulled back all too soon, he looked relieved. "I thought you died."

You smiled up at him and shrugged, repeating history. "I'm fast."

He laughed and pulled you close again, kissing you passionately.

A/N: that was the last part by the way

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