Monster (2)

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Warnings: Mention of suicide, if comfortable please do not read! And if you need someone to talk to, I'm always here ❤️

"How can she be gone?" Tony mumbled, dropping his deadly stare, his eyes softening. His hands fell to his sides, limp. A defeated look spread across his face as he walked slowly to Wanda, who was standing in the doorway.

"I checked everywhere, Tony, even with my mind. She's gone."

Tony turned around to Peter, who now stood up in shock. "How are we gonna find her?" He asked hopelessly, voice cracking.

Peter turned to Wanda and asked, "Can't you find her with your mind things?" Wanda rolled her eyes, knowing that Peter had no idea what he was talking about. "I already tried, and it's nearly impossible to do it when people aren't right next to me."

"I put a tracker on her suit, we could use that." Tony said, but Peter shook his head. "She wasn't wearing her suit when she left."

Tony sighed and rubbed his face slowly, stress eating him away. "I-I need to think, give me a minute." The man said, then walked out of the room.

Peter threw his mask back on and began to run out of the room. "And where do you think you're going?" Wanda questioned. Peter stopped for only a second to say, "I'm gonna try to find her." Then, he was out the door and flying up the stairs. He stopped at the door and noticed how it was broken, reminisce of you engraved into the metal.

He got up to the roof and tried to look for another clue. He then noticed a puddle and faint footprints. "Karen, what size is this shoe?" Peter asked. "Size seven." "And what size does (Y/N) wear?" "Size seven."

The boy smiled in triumph and then ran off the roof, throwing out an arm, a string of web spitting out of his shooters. It clung onto a building and he swung north, scanning all of the buildings for you.

Half an hour later, and he still found nothing. It was already dark and hard to see, even with his night vision setting.

"Karen?" Peter said softly, landing on a nearby roof. "How am I gonna find her?" The woman took a moment to answer. "If you want, I can track her." If he was drinking something, he would've spit it out. "We can track her?!" "Yes, Peter, would you like me to start it up?" "Yes!"

If Peter had known he had a tracker on his suit, he would've used it a long time ago. In his defense, he was still getting used to his suit.

When Karen officially found your location, he jumped off the roof and swung from building to building, going faster then he ever has before, but you were still a good while away.

When you felt a presence come near you, you stood up and looked around, powers buzzing off that someone was nearby, yet you didn't see anyone.

A part of you hoped that Tony was coming to get you, but you knew that was unrealistic, so you ran over and hid behind a large barrel.

Soon after, you heard a loud thump, and tried to just barely peak around the side to see who was there. Peter stood in his Spider-Man suit, but his mask was in his balled up fist. He was scanning everywhere, and you ducked again when he looked over at the barrels. When you knew it was safe, you peaked out again to see Peter confused.

"Karen, I thought you said that she's here?" He asked, and your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, then you soon came to a realization. You had a tracker. "She is on the roof, Peter. Behind the barrels to your left."

You softly cursed at Karen for giving you up as you saw Peter whip his head over, then begin at a jog to the barrels.

Since there was no point to hiding anymore, you came out and stood in front of the barrels, eyes trained on Peter.

In all honesty, you had no idea what he wanted. Maybe he was here to arrest you, or to kill you, or to help you back home, or to tell you to never go back. Nevertheless, you geared your hands up, lighting ablaze with swirls of scarlet.

Peter took a step back in fright, but held his ground. "I'm not here to hurt you." He started, loosening up his fist with the mask. "I'm here to bring you back."

You instantly shook your head repeatedly. "No, no, no. You're lying, Tony would never let me back." "And why do you think that? He cares so much for you, (Y/N), and he wants you back and safe."

"No he doesn't!" "What makes you think that?" He asked, anger rising in his voice. He had no idea that you were gonna try to put up a fight, and he was not gonna have it.

"He only cares about you!" You roared, pointing to him, red radiating off your finger. "He only cares about people who will make him successful, and I used to, until you came along."

Peter just stood there, staring angrily at you, "Why do you say that as if I did something to you? As if I'm at fault for something?"

"Because you are! You took Tony Stark away from me, who was my everything! And now, I have nothing left!"

"You still have Mister Stark! And me! You have something!"

You scoffed and rolled your eyes while saying sarcastically, "Really, I have you now? And what makes you think that I even give two fucks about you?"

"You know what, I don't even know why I even tried to come after you. I should've known you would push me away, since that's all you ever do."

"That is not all I ever do! I hated you because you took Tony from me, and he was the only one to help me!"

"And you know what? Maybe Tony would still like you if you didn't overreact because I said something that got you ticked—"

"You assumed that my ability was to be mean to people! That already crossed a line, but saying that I wasn't welcome there, that was enough for me. I don't deserve to be stepped on by you, I don't deserve to be a shadow while you're in Tony's light. I don't deserve this."

Peter's anger was nearly making him see red. He stopped his foot and yelled powerfully, "No, you don't deserve to be at Stark Tower! You could kill someone if you get even a little mad, you can't be trusted!"

"Oh my god, Peter, really? I wasn't gonna kill you! I'm not a monster!"

"Oh yeah, well that's not what you said when you had your hands pointed at me with this crazy red stuff glowing from them!"

Peter began to walk away, but turned around to give you one last disgusted look. "In that moment, I believed you."

Then, he latched a web to a nearby building, and took off, leaving you standing in front of the barrels, wondering where everything went wrong.

You watched him leave, staring him down completely, analyzing his mind. With a tilt of the head, you completely erased Peter's knowledge of your tracker. Yeah, you knew it was a bad thing, but deep in your mind you knew Peter was right. You were a threat and could kill anyone at anytime by accident.

You sat down in the middle of the roof and looked up into the sky, watching the stars twinkle. You thought long and hard to concentrate, and after three minutes you finally could succeed.

You saw into Tony's mind. You felt sadness instantly, like a weighing cloud. You felt stress, even some anger. But the most powerful feeling was guilt.

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