The Cologne

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The night sky hung over Queens like a blanket. Darkness splattered every crook and cranny, only headlights lit up the night. You were sitting on the roof of your apartment, basking in the cool air of the night. You were having an incredibly rough week with finals and your best friend continued to bail on you, day after day. You were already upset, and it was only Tuesday.

Your best friend, Peter Parker, has been distant lately, always blaming it on his new Stark Internship. At first, you were happy for him. You knew that he wanted it and couldn't be happier. But now, you hated it. He was never around anymore, always saying that the internship took up all of his time.

It didn't help that you had a crush on him, either. A big one, too. You had liked him since the eighth grade when you dropped your pencil and he picked it up for you. You two met eyes, and you couldn't get him off of your mind ever since. You were the first to talk, introducing yourself. "Hi, I'm (Y/N), thank you for picking up my pencil, by the way."

Ever since then, you've been the best of friends. Until, that is, Peter stopped being around. He was always in school, never missing a day, and getting straight A's. Once the bell for dismissal rang, he stopped waiting for you to come out of chemistry. Instead, he walked by himself.

You two haven't talked in weeks, and it was taking a toll on you. So, you were sitting on the roof, trying to get some air. It was close to midnight, and the amount of headlights on the streets below dwindled down as the minutes ticked by.

Meanwhile, the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man was swinging from building to building, patrolling the dark streets. So far, nothing was under the radar. Since he had been swinging for a solid half an hour, he grew tired, and decided to take a break.

Spider-Man was scanning the tops of buildings, and didn't even notice that he was traveling to your apartment building. It was just muscle memory. As he got closer, he saw a black figure sitting atop the roof. He quickly moved over to it, swinging from his shooters that he made himself.

Soon enough, he landed on the roof, thumping lightly. You didn't look over, completely oblivious to his presence. He quickly noticed that it was you on the rooftop in the middle of the night. His mind instantly began to wander.

"Hello?" He asked cautiously. You quickly swung around, thinking that you came up to the roof alone. You relaxed once you noticed that Spider-Man was coming closer to you.

"What are you doing here?" You asked curiously, tilting your head slightly. Peter loved it when you did that. "Just out on patrol." He answered cooly, a newfound confidence spawning within him. "Saw you here, at midnight. It's a little weird, even you gotta admit." You nodded slowly. "I suppose."

"So," Peter said, walking over casually to you, sitting down beside you. You visibly tensed. "What's on your mind?"

"Why do you care?" You asked, curiosity sinking into your bones. He shrugged, instantly yelling at himself for almost giving his secret identity away. "Because I care about everyone in Queens. Even if you're not in danger, I still care. So, tell me what's on your mind." Confidence was flowing through him, and he loved the feeling.

You shrugged faintly. "Finals, I guess." You mumbled. "Sophomore year is one hell of a bitch." "Why don't you study with your friends or something? I'd be more fun then sitting by yourself."

You looked up hesitantly at him, meeting eyes. Tears welled up in yours. "I don't have any friends."

By the look on your face, he knew that you were being genuine. Did you really think that he and Ned didn't like you anymore? "I'm sure you do." He said, inching closer. In that moment, he desperately wanted to put an arm around you and console you.

You shook your head. "It gets worse. I'm practically in love with one of them." His eyes widened, but you kept on going. "It's so stupid! How could I be so stupid to fall in love with my best friend? God, I hate myself. I already ruined everything as it is, may as well just keep it going-"

"Hey." Peter cooed, and you stiffened. You knew that voice, but couldn't put your finger on who it was. "What's your friend's name?" Peter had to know if it was him, he had to know. He secretly hoped that it was him.

"Peter." You said, looking at your hands. His heart began to do backflips. If only you knew that you were confessing your feelings to your best friend, not Spider-Man. "Peter Parker. But there's no point." "Why do you think that?" "Because he's way out of my league, it's pathetic to even try."

"Don't you dare even say that." Peter said, getting even closer to you. Without hesitation, he lifted his gloved hand and brought it to your face to cup your cheek. You stiffened at the touch, then your heart stopped beating. "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on. Don't you dare say that he's out of your league, if anything, you're out of everyone's league."

You did comprehend what he was saying, but still completely shocked. Spider-Man was wearing a cologne, the same one that Peter Parker uses. You knew that he was one of a kind, it was his Uncle Ben's. This, in front of you, was Peter Parker.


Your mouth was in an 'O' shape, and Peter looked concerned. "Hey, everything I'm saying is true, alright? Just try to talk to him." You still looked shocked as you scooted away slightly.

"Oh, my god." You breathed, staring at him with wide eyes. Peter tilted his head to the side. "What? Is everything okay?" You gaped for a moment, completely in awe.

"You're Spider-Man?" You asked hesitantly. "W-What?" Peter asked, his strike of confidence instantly falling away, now back to his stuttering mess of a person.

"Peter." You asked blankly, not knowing what else to say. Meanwhile, Peter sighed beside you and tore off his mask. "How. . . how did you f-figure it out?"

"The cologne." He snapped his fingers in hatred. "Goddamn it!" You put your hand on his arm. "I only knew because we've been friends for so long." You said, trying to comfort him. He didn't respond, and you took that as your cue to get up.

Panic began to set into your bones. "Oh god, oh god oh god oh god! I-" You threw your hands over your mouth in shock. "I just ruined our friendship! Oh god! Please forget I said anything!"

Peter was quick to get up and follow you. "Hey, hey," He said, sticking his arms out in an attempt to calm you down. "You didn't ruin anything." You stopped in your tracks. "What do you mean?"

He tried his absolute best not to be a stuttering mess for you. "Y-You didn't ruin a-anything because. . . b-because I like you, too. A lot."

You just stared at him. "What?" "I like you, too."

A/N: my god I'm so sorry it's hard for me to write in Second POV instead of Third POV so please please please correct me if I mess it up

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