Gained Within Time (4)

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You turned invisible as the Hulk passed Tony's eye so he wouldn't suspect anything, then flew off of him and charged for the woods where you heard rustling.

Guards were surrounding a person, and you knew it was Peter when your heart tugged. You huffed in anger and ran for the guards, still completely invisible. You kicked the first one in the back, and with your super strength, the guy flung and knocked down two more men.

Since no one could see you, you flew through people, knocking them out clean easily with your enhancements. Soon, it was just you, Peter, and one last guard. Peter ran for him, but you got there first, knocking him to the floor in one swift punch.

Peter gawked at the man, then looked up slowly. "(Y/N)?" He questioned softly, and you made yourself visible for him. He sighed disapprovingly. "I thought that you weren't supposed to leave, (Y/N)."

You kicked a guy in the face who ran up to you and said, "You needed help, so I'm here." You turned back around and shrugged playfully. "And I should get a memory or two from this. Now come on, they need our help."

You and Peter ran north for a few minutes and then stopped at a tree, peering around to see who needed help. No one in this particular area did. You tried to move along, but your hand was stuck to something. You looked over to see that a web was on your hand and the tree. Anger flooded your veins as Peter said, "I'm sorry, (Y/N), but I have to." Then, he ran off to join the fight.

You growled and tugged at the web, determined to use your super strength to unleash yourself. You tugged and tugged to no avail, and realized that Peter must've used a certain type of web on you.

"Peter!" You bellowed into the air, but no one responded.

Then, you got a flashback as anger flooded your veins.

Tony, your father, smiled down at you as he handed you something. You looked into your hands and saw an orb the size of a tennis ball, with a faint and eerie red glow. You felt the smoothness of it and smiled softly, "What is this, dad?"

"That, my pumpkin, is the key to everything within you. This very stone will someday break, and you will become one with the stone and its potential.

It holds a great source of power, and can backfire against any of the six stones once its inside you. It also will give you another ability, and it is very rare and very hard to create. You will be one of the most powerful beings in the world, and I know that you'll treat it right.

You will be one with its powers when the stone knows that you are worthy, and I'm afraid that I don't know when that day will be, but you will feel it."

"Why are you granting me this, daddy?" You questioned, staring down at the stone confusedly. "Because, (Y/N), something big is gonna come in your lifetime, and you must be ready for it. You're my daughter, and I want to protect you at all costs. I trust you, pumpkin, forever and always. Your powers will be gained within time."

You gasped as your eyes widened and took a step back. Your body lit up like a Christmas tree and glowed an eerie red, just like the stone in the flashback. You took another step back, and you watched as the webs disintegrated. Your mouth was agape as you stared at what you did.

You felt an endless surge of power flow through your veins, and in that moment, everything came back to you. Your father and the Tower, school, all of the Avengers, and most importantly, Peter. As you continued to glow red, you turned around and cleared half of the forest.

Trees fell down and crashed into the dirt and grass, all collectively shaking the earth.

Meanwhile, everyone who was fighting stopped and turned to see half of the trees collapse suddenly. Tony and Steve turned to Wanda, but she looked back at them with a confused expression. "That wasn't me." She said, scared.

But Tony knew exactly what it was. He couldn't stop the smile from coming as he yelled out to everyone, "She connected with the stone!" Peter was the only one who was confused. Who were they talking about? And what stone? He stared into the fallen woods as a figure came walking though the debris.

You emerged, still glowing red from every inch of your skin. Everyone shared smiles, but Peter was still beyond confused. How did she get out of his webs?

As you got closer, you stomped with one foot and wiped out all of the guards who were going to the Avengers. They all crumbled to the floor, completely unconscious. You then turned to your dad and said confidently, "I've got this, Dad."

Tony smiled proudly at you as you walked toward the HYDRA base. When you saw a new cluster of guards, you took them down easily with the swipe of your hand. Soon, everyone was down except for the Avengers.

You made your way back confidently, feeling happy in every single stride. You walked past everyone who was staring at you and stopped at Peter.

You grabbed Peter by the suit and yanked him to you, connecting your lips. He immediately kissed back eagerly, pulling you closer by your hips. You smiled and deepened the kiss, pulling him impossibly closer.

"Okay, we get it, love birds." Sam said sarcastically, and you only pulled away from Peter to sweep Sam a couple feet away. You turned back to your boyfriend and said, "Think we can make that reservation for tomorrow?" Peter laughed and nodded, then leaned down to kiss you again.

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