Why Don't You Bring The Girl Next Door To Homecoming? (1)

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While sitting in chemistry, you thought back to when Peter asked you to homecoming. It was two Friday's ago, and practically the best day of your life.

You and Peter grew up as neighbors. You hung out all the time, and that had never changed, even when you got to high school. You two met Ned, and all of you clicked at once. You had the time of your life with them, they were a never ending smile fest.

Two Friday's ago, you crossed the hallway to Peter's apartment to have your regular movie night. Tonight though, Ned couldn't make it, so it would just be you two alone because Aunt May was having dinner with a couple of her old high school friends.

Peter set up everything exactly like how he wanted it. It looked normal to you, but for Peter, he made sure that everything was in place. A bowl of popcorn on the coffee table, right in front of where he sat so he could hand it to you. Your favorite candy in the middle of the table. The movie already set up and ready to go. Blankets on his side of the couch, pillows on yours. Everything was perfect.

When the doorbell rang, his heart picked up. This was it. He was going to ask you today, before you left, today. Part of him was completely over his head excited, the other was beyond nervous of getting rejected. He shuffled over to the door and opened it to see your bright smile.

Instantly, his nerves fluttered away because he was taken aback by how stunning you looked. Your hair was up in a messy ponytail, and you were wearing your navy blue shirt, his favorite color. You wore light jeans and converse, and he couldn't seem to stop staring.

"Hey, Pete!" You greeted, coming into his apartment. You kicked off your converse and plopped on the couch, already picking up the bowl of candy from the coffee table.

"You remembered, thank you!" You called as Peter walked over to you. He smiled shyly at you and said, "Yeah, it's not problem." He felt his cheeks grow hot, so he grabbed the remote and turned on the movie.

He chose your favorite movie, The Visit. You cheered and laid back, throwing your hand out for a blanket. Peter turned and gave you the fluffiest one he had.

You two were silent for most of the movie, being so engrossed in it. At least, you were. Peter was occupied with staring at you. He just couldn't believe how breathing taking you were. He thought about if you will say yes to homecoming, then he'd be able to see you in a jaw dropping dress. Without even seeing the dress, he wondered how you could get any more beautiful.

When the movie was over, Peter got the empty candy bowl out of your hand and went into the kitchen. He dumped some more candy into the bowl along with a sparkling ring. His plan was to have you eat the candy, then notice the ring, and then he'd ask you to homecoming. Hopefully she'll notice the ring and not eat it.

Peter brought the bowl out to you, which you gratefully accepted. As you munched down, the two of you held meaningless conversations, like gossip and how family was. As you were in the middle of saying that your mom had the late shift tonight, you felt something in the bowl that wasn't the candy. You looked down and saw something shimmering within the sea of goodies.

With one swift motion, you plucked it out and held it up in front of your face, examining it. "Pete, your Aunt dropped a ring in this." You said, still staring at it.

Peter cleared his throat, which made you look up and at him. "A-Actually." He stuttered. "I-It's for y-you." You gaped at him. "This is for me?" You echoed, and he only nodded his head, not relying on his voice. You looked down at the ring again.

"Peter, why did you get me a ring? I mean, don't get me wrong, it's absolutely beautiful, but why did you get it?"

It's now or never.

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