Gained Within Time (3)

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Peter didn't know what to do with himself. He sat on the couch for a while, thinking about how he visited you and how lovely you looked.

"Hey, kid." Tony said from the doorway. Peter sat up and acknowledged him with a nod. Tony walked in and sat down next to him and let out a long sigh.

"You amaze me, kid." He said after a moment, and Peter furrowed his eyebrows. "She's been mean to everyone who tried to talk, but she was nice to you." He put his head in his hands. "She wasn't even willing to talk to me."

"She just needs time." Peter said quickly, not liking his mentor being sad in the least. "Maybe you could bring her on a mission with us, it could bring back memories." Tony gave him a side glance. "That's such a stupid idea, but that could actually work. Let's give her another day, then try."

With that, he stood up and walked out of the room solemnly.

Meanwhile, you were standing right behind the doorway and out of sight, listening to that whole conversation. As your father left, you walked into the room.

"Make me remember." You demanded, crossing your arms. Peter jumped and turned to you, "How did you get out of the hand cuffs?" "I have super strength, the magic blue glow is no match for me."

Peter scrambled up and off the couch, never breaking eye contact. "I'm not gonna kill you. I know that I lived here and that these people were my friends." You took a step toward him. "So, help me remember."


"Okay, let's first review on what you do know. What school do you go to?"

"I have no idea."

"What's your last name?"

"I don't know."

"How old are you?"

"Pete, when I say I don't remember anything, I mean I don't remember anything."

You and Peter sat across from each other on the couch in the common room, and you made it his goal to make you remember at least something.

"Well, for starters, your name is (Y/N) Stark and you go to Midtown High School."

Suddenly, something clicked in your head, almost as if gears began to turn that were covered in cobwebs and rust. "We had a friend named Ned." You said and looked up to see if you were right.

Peter's eyes were wide, his mouth agape. "And I'm sixteen years old. That's all I've got."

"Yes, they're both right, (Y/N)! You're beginning to remember!" "Give me something more."

"Oh, ah, well, you fought with the Avengers since you were little, and you've been a big help. Can you name any missions or people, maybe locations?"

You thought for a minute, searching the deep depths of your mind, reaching every single corner and cranny. A name came into your mind. "Skylar."

Right then, a whole bunch of Avengers flooded the room. "Peter, (Y/N)'s gone! What—" Steve stopped when he saw you two on the couch and his eyes widened.

"Did you let her go?" Steve demanded, but you answered for him. "I got out myself, and I came to him for answers. He's helping me remember. And it's working, Captain America."

"I never told you my superhero name." "And neither did he." You stood up and walked over in front of everybody and pointed at them, naming them from your memory.

"Scarlet Witch, Thor, Black Widow, Winter Soldier, Falcon, Vision, and Iron Man. But, I don't really remember your real names. But, Vision stands out the most to me."

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