Burning Building (2)

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You tumbled into a pile of burning desks that were falling through the floor and went along with it, debris showering over you. You crashed among the desks, and within just a few seconds, everything had settled.

Shock rattled your body as you just laid there, not being able to move. You could feel many bones in your body broken, but yet, you couldn't cry out. In fact, you couldn't do anything except for laying there and staring at the flaming desks and now computers.

It hurt too much to move, and you were completely stuck. You gasped for air, but oxygen was limited, and it hurt so much to breathe. Everything was on fire, and it was crawling closer to you. All you could smell and breath was smoke, and you couldn't even move enough to cough.

"(Y/N), do you copy?" Your father asked through the earpiece, and you couldn't move your jaw, believing it was shattered. To help, you had super healing, but everything would need more than just a few hours to heal, you would need days in the infirmary, if you even got to it.

"(Y/N), I repeat, do you copy?" The only thing your father heard was static on the other line. He put a hand over his mouth and shook his head. "(Y/N)?" He called desperately, but once again, no answer. Peter was staring at his mentor with a horrific expression, not for one moment believing what he was hearing was true.

Peter suddenly turned around and ran off the jetti and to the collapsed building, Steve yelling after him, but not daring to stop him. Tony looked back and decided to follow the young boy to the building.

Peter got there quickly and skidded to a stop upon seeing the building literally going up in flames. "(Y/N)!" He screeched and geared back up with running.

Tony jumped up and his rockets activated on his suit, making him soar through the air and quickly catch up with the frantic boy. He stopped him and quickly said, "You can't go in there like that, you'll burn to death almost instantly. Here." Tony flew back and brought his arms up, searching controls throughout his body. When he found the right one he activated it and let it burst.

Vibranium clung to Peter's body as a suit folded neatly around him, and he took a moment to admire it. "That's fireproof, but it won't stop from debris falling onto you. I'll be right here to help you take her out, because my suit isn't fireproof. Go, kid."

Peter nodded confidently while turning and running into the building without a wink of hesitation. She was in the center with Loki, she must've not gotten far! He ran directly through the flames and to the center, feeling no heat whatsoever.

The brunette reached the door to the center and attempted to shove it open, but it wouldn't budge. He stepped back and switched the settings on his webs to fire. He shot a web out and it clung to the door, instantly setting it ablaze. With ease, he yanked the now weak door off its hinges, throwing it to the side.

The first thing he noticed was the huge hole in the floor, and it was slowly gaining size, scraps of metal falling. He ran to it and looked down to see computers and desks on fire, and he said, "Karen, activate something on my mask so I can see better." "Right away, Peter."

Peter's gaze was heightened as his eyes changed from normal to a special type of screen where you can see heat. He looked down at the bottom and instantly spotted body heat underneath all of the computers. He set his mask back to normal and leapt down, trying his best to land beside the pile of burning items.

Immediately he dug, lifting up hunks of desks and chucking them to the side with his suit's super strength. Soon, your body was revealed, and Peter crouched down next to you, rolling you over. By then, you were completely unconscious, heart barely beating. He quickly rolled you into his arms and picked you up gently, making his way down the stack of desks and computers.

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