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It was a long day at school, and it was only halfway over, meaning that it was lunch period. You sat down with a tray full of tater tots that you stole from the lunch lady when she wasn't looking and said a quick hello to your two best friends, Ned Leeds and Peter Parker.

"Peter! I finally got that lego set that you were talking about!" Ned exclaimed, at the edge of his seat in excitement. You snorted and rolled your eyes. How could you be friends with two complete dorks?

Well, you only became friends with one of those dorks because you were already good friends with the other. That's right, you were cool with Ned, then he introduced you to Peter one day when you went over his house. Since then, you've been the best of friends, completely inseparable.

"You guys are such dorks." You stated, popping a crispy tater tot into your mouth. The two boys then ignored you to talk about the Lego Death Star. You rolled your eyes, but let them be.

You took out your sketchbook and began to doodle, soon creating a cartoon Ned. You smiled at what you created and decided to scribble the whole gang. Right before the period bell rang, you had completed Peter, who you had put a lot more detail into.

Maybe it was because now you had a task at hand with your drawing. Or maybe it was because you were so head over heels for him that you wanted to draw your love out instead of saying it. You decided to go with the first.

The lunch bell rang, and you stood up abruptly, slamming your sketchbook closed and tucking it away safely in your backpack.

"Hey, what did you draw today?" Peter asked while gripping his backpack straps. You blushed under his stare and said simply, "Nothing, it was just random doodling like always."

And as always, Peter took that as an answer, never looking into it. You walked down the hallways with your friends and to chemistry, where you sat behind Peter and Ned by yourself.

You pulled out your sketchbook while the teacher was lecturing and started back up your drawing from lunch. You made Ned more detailed so it didn't look weird, then you drew yourself in between them, smiling with your teeth.

It was all cartoonish, but in a good way. Right before the bell rang you ended and admired your work, putting a light ombré pencil background.

When the bell did ring, you hopped up and said goodbye to your friends, then made your way down the hallway.

Until you bumped into somebody.

You instantly apologized and looked up to see the one and only Flash before you. Your eyes widened in fear as you took a step back, clutching your sketchbook tightly within your chamber of arms.

Of course, that got the cruel man's attention, and he flitted his eyes back and forth between your book and your eyes. He then extended his hand and flicked his fingers. "Gimme the book." He demanded, an offset kind of angry behind his eyes.

But like the idiot you were, you held your ground, holding the sketchbook even tighter in your iron grip. You shook your head and tried to weave around him, but he stood in front of you and blocked your way. You turned around and realized that his posse was surrounding you.

You turned back to Flash and said, "Get out of my way." He laughed right in your face and shook his head while saying, "You're just so stupid, now come on, gimme the book or I'll show you a real rough time."

You shook your head again, but fear trickled through your veins. "I said gimme the book, pipsqueak." He said daringly, but you held your ground.

Now a crowd was gathering around you two. Peter and Ned walked down the hallway with their backpacks and noticed the commotion. "We should definitely steer clear of that." Ned commented, then walked down another hallway.

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