Darling, I Promise You

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Swearing warning

This one shot takes place in endgame. I HAVE NEVER SEEN IT SO IM PULLING THIS DIRECTLY OUT OF MY ASS. I actually have no idea what happens, so this shouldn't be ANYTHING like the movie. And if it is someone please DM me and I'll delete it because I still stand by my decision of not writing anything about what actually happened in Endgame yet, I have just had this idea for a while and felt the urge to write it without spoilers.

People say that breaking a bone is one of the most painful things in the world, or childbirth and cluster headaches. Some even say that severe burns deserve the number one spot, but those people couldn't be any more wrong. No, there is something that tops all of that.


It tears your heart open and apart, letting everyone see your blistering wound. It has absolutely no mercy. It destroys you. It numbs you in the most painful way possible. It obliterates your mind, your soul, your everything. It crumbles you, it sets you afloat with no anchor.

The memories haunted her dreams, turning stories of sweetness into horror, into reality. She watched the same thing on repeat like a broken record in her mind.

"Did we just lose?" Quill asked shakily, staring at Tony in utter horror. The man was speechless, staring at him in shock, his mouth in an 'o' shape. They had lost, their only hope left was the people on earth, but it was empty. The Titan had five stones, making him the strongest being in the universe.

(Y/N) walked over to Peter, helping him up off the floor, "Are you alright?" He nodded slowly, gently cupping the back of her head and kissing her forehead. He pulled back as his arm slowly trailed down her body and arm, finally intertwining their fingers tightly. She gripped back equally as hard, migrating closer to him.

They stood together in a circle of silence on the abandoned planet, their heads all hung low. Suddenly the wind began to pick up, making her hair flow into her face and to the side.

"Something's happening. . ." Mantis breathed, and they all looked up in her direction, and saw that Quill's arm was wrapped around her waist in despair, desperate to feel a comforting touch.

Before their eyes, the girl's entire body began to crack like asphalt, her skin turning ashy. She slowly fell apart as the wind pick up the stray pieces and flew it away, and horror sunk deep within her bones.

"No. . ." (Y/N) breathed, her grip loosening on Peter.

"Quill?" Drax asked fearfully, and she looked over to see only the top of his frame, the bottom already gone. He turned into dust and floated away swiftly, making her let go of his hand entirely.

"Steady, Quill." Tony demanded, but the man turned to him, his cracked, "Oh man. . ." His face went first, turning into nothing to her terror. Her jaw was to the floor as she heard Strange, "Tony."

The three of them faced him, his legs were already gone. "There was no other way." His gazed migrated down as his face cracked and disappeared, leaving behind nothing but dust.

The three turned to one another, wondering to their horror which one would go next. She heard the swooshes of the next person deteriorating, and she couldn't feel her legs. With a sigh, she turned to Peter with her eyes burning of tears, and he leaned over, going to peck her head. She closed her eyes, not wanting to see his reaction to her leaving this world, to see her leaving him.

But no kiss ever came. She opened up her eyes a beat later to see swirls of dust where her boyfriend once stood, and she breathed in sharply in horror, tears gathering faster than before.

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