Free Me (1)

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You sat there, completely unmoving for about four hours now, just floating in your imagination, if you even had one. You just stared at the wall, actually not really thinking of anything, anymore. You could hardly remember what the outside world even looked like, much less your dead family.

Your legs were shackled to the wall with chains, your arms connected with a pair of handcuffs, your neck had a thick band with a blinker around it to prevent you from using your abilities, the ones you were forced to have.

Once Scarlet Witch managed to escape, HYDRA knew that they needed someone new, with enhanced abilities, just like their number one subject. And you were chosen. Experiments were done every single day which left you crying for mercy, but never gained any.

After a year, they had successfully morphed you into the most cruel and ruthless hybrid, Black Out. You had abilities just like Scarlet Witch, but they came out in swirls of black and were much more dangerous and powerful. You knew how to fist fight professionally, and were everything that HYDRA ever wanted, they had created the most dangerous weapon since the Winter Soldier.

That is, until you went against them. You burned down buildings and massacred hundreds of people of HYDRA, not feeling a tinge of emotion. You made hell rain down on them without a second glance.

When the base finally got control of you again, they locked you up tight, deciding to never let you see the light of day again. Ever since that day six months ago, your captors kept you locked up in that room, not once removing you from your bindings. And ever since day one, you had accepted your fate, and knew that HYDRA thought that you were a failure, and moved on with their next subject. You sat there, forgotten in time.

Until one day, there was a loud bang coming from the center of the building, and louder than usual. You didn't break your gaze from the wall though, not caring enough, just writing it off as HYDRA being HYDRA.

That is, until the banging got closer, and suddenly the building shook. But yet again, you did not care enough, wishing rather to die then get tortured again. You had begged for them to just leave you alone, but you knew that they couldn't do that. They couldn't let your failure not pay.

Another loud bang sounded, and this time it was right in front of your door. You stayed where you were, completely still, believing that someone was wheeling in more torture devices. Your mediocre mood faded into a hateful one as you awaited your pain sentence.

But yet, it never came. The door busted open, and two people stumbled in, guns raised toward you. Slowly, you moved only your eyes to see who had come in. There was something in a bright red suit and a man with stars all over him with blue splattered over his suit.

You didn't recognize who was before you, and so you moved your whole head slowly in their direction, not wanting to anger the band on your neck. Then you noticed the guns, and fear struck you. Are they going to kill me?

"Who are you?" The thing in the suit asked, it sounded like a grown up man. You stared at him for a beat longer, confused by his suit. Suddenly, his mask lifted as he stomped a foot forward in your direction. The man had a light beard with brown hair and deep eyes. "I asked a question."

"Stark, take it easy on her." The man with the spangled suit said. "She doesn't look like she's an agent, she looks like a victim, do you see how young she is?" The man pushed the other, Stark, aside and walked over to you. You stiffened as he squatted down in front of you with gentle eyes staring into yours.

"Why are you all chained up?" He asked softly, and you believed that he was being genuine, and weren't used to that type of behavior. You opened your mouth to speak, but nothing came out. You hadn't said a word in so long, you didn't even know how your own voice sounded.

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