Run While You Still Can (2)

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When you woke up, your head was pounding. Your eyes squinted open, blinking quite a few times to get used to the light. Where am I?

You felt something wrapped around almost every part of your body. Every limb was strapped down, even your neck. You grunted and tried to wiggle, but a zip of pain shot up your side. You gasped and paused, letting the pain slowly wash away. What happened to me?

You tried to think back on the previous events. You remembered the Spider-Boy and shooting a web at a bag, then picking it up. You remembered the trap. Getting shot, and feeling fire.

"Tony?" You yelled hoarsely, tugging at the restraints, but to no avail. No one answered you. "Tony!"

You tried to get heat to stroll into your veins, but it took too much of your energy. You didn't have super fast healing powers like Spider-Man, you were just normal. Well, as far as normal goes when you can control fire.

Closing your eyes, you harnessed the last bit of energy that you had and tried again with all of your might. You felt the refreshing feeling of heat course through your veins. Soon, you could feel the metal restraints melting away.

You climbed out and collapsed to the floor. All of your energy was drained, and you didn't even know where you were. You knew that it wasn't far, since you still had your suit on. Your captors definitely would've taken it off if they weren't in a rush.

You tilted your wrist to see the mic still firmly attached to your suit. You pressed it down and brought it to your mouth. "Mr. Stark?" You whispered, scanning the new room. All of the walls were black and the floor was gray, and one door was on the far wall. The only other thing in the room was the contraption that you were in.

Static was heard for a few seconds until a voice broke through. "(Y/N)?" Tony questioned frantically. "Where are you?" "I-I don't know." You looked around the room again.

"I don't know how much longer I'm gonna last, though. I've been shot, Tony, in the side. I can barely walk." "Okay, okay." He said while soaring through the air, scanning every building in sight.

Suddenly, through the wall, you heard loud footsteps approaching. "They're coming. Wish me luck." You said into your wrist, then shut off the mic, hurrying over to the side of the wall as fast as you could, which wasn't very fast. You fell against the wall, but hoisted yourself up, and waited.

A click sounded on the other side of the door, then it slowly peeled open. "Where is she?" One man bellowed while stomping in, scanning the area. All of the men crammed in the room, looking around. You quickly ran around the door that you were hiding behind and ran out, flicking it closed. You made sure the lock was secure, then bolted.

You limped down the hallways, trying to look for a way out. "Tony, I can't find a way out." You said weakly, looking around desperately. "And I can't find that Spider kid." "FRIDAY has figured out your location. Hang in, kid, I'm coming."

You heard someone yelling out for help. "Help! Please! Mr. Stark!" You instantly recognized the voice. "Spider-Boy!" You called, limping down the hallway. The boy ran out of the room he was in and saw you. "Oh my god, Blaze!" He cheered, bringing you into a tight hug. He pulled away when you hissed from the pressure on your side.

"Okay, okay. We gotta get you out of here and to a hospital." Peter wrapped an arm gently around your waist and dragged you with him down another series of hallways.

"My boyfriend is going to kill me." You murmured, leaning heavily on Peter. "We had a dinner reservation and I'm not going to show up." He laughed lightly. "Funny, because I had one, too. We'll go down together."

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