A Soft Side (2)

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The girl was brought out a day later by the one and only Tony Stark in handcuffs and a neck band to prevent her abilities. He claimed that she only had them on so the other prisoners knew that they were being treated equally, but she didn't know if she quite believed that.

Tony feared her since she had so much potential. He feared that his plan would go plummeting, but he believed that this was his only option at winning over the Avengers.

(Y/N) was put on a helicopter that was atop the building, and sat down in a leather seat, and a buckle immediately snapped around her. Once everyone was seated, the helicopter lifted up shakily and took off quickly, leaving her peeled to the back of her seat.

Tony leaned forward once they were out of side and unraveled her chains and electroshock collar. She felt as if she could suddenly breathe again, as if a weight had been lifted off of her. She turned to the man and asked, "Where are we going?"

A smirk fell upon his lips as he answered, "Berlin."


Tony's team escorted her to a hideout that was only known by that group, and strictly no one else. They traveled through a mile of forest, ducking over hanging sticks and leaping over rose thorns. They crossed a river that had a very questionable bridge, and were met with a rotted door.

"Damn." She muttered, and one of the escorts opened the door for her. Tony said he'd be a minute outside, so she walked in.

The place was huge. Cement walls lined every corner, not a window to be seen. Couches littered the area, throw rugs placed beneath them. There was a television that had the news rambling in the background, and a lavish kitchen with a counter and spinning stools. Down a hallway there were doors that led to bedrooms, each having their own bathroom.

(Y/N)'s mouth hung agape as she took the hideout all in. This wasn't what I was expecting when he said hideout.

To her surprise, people were scattered among the large room, most sitting on the couches and at the counter. They all craned their heads to the door opening, and immediately, their eyes widened.

One of them had short straight ginger hair, and pointed two guns her way from across the room. (Y/N) gasped with fright, taking a step back. Realizing that there was actually guns pointed at her, she took another step back while twiddling her fingers, creating sparks of blue. She raised up her arms in front of her chest, and created a violent, pulsing blue sphere. Sparks flew off from it, each one sizzling out halfway to the ground.

In that moment, she felt alive. The girl couldn't remember the last time she had used her powers, and she felt energy zipping through her veins, pulsing directly into her blood. And it felt great.

"Hey, hey!" Tony yelled, sprinting down the hallway and planting himself in the middle of the two girls.

"Put the guns down!" He yelled at the ginger, and she slowly lowered them, never taking her apple eyes off the girl.

Upon seeing them down, (Y/N) put out her sphere, it instantly deteriorating into sweet nothings. She crossed her arms over her chest and had a stare down with the lady.

"You two, stop it right now." Tony demanded, and she shifted her gaze over to the man. "Everyone, this is (Y/N), my newest recruit. She's going to be aiding us in the search for Captain America and the Winter Soldier, and I guarantee she will be of great use. So, play nice, everyone."

There was a pause in the group, and she decided to break the silence by walking over to the ginger. She stopped two feet away, and outstretched her hand as a peace offering, "Sorry I almost attacked you back there."

The ginger stared down at her hand for a beat before accepting it, "Names Nat, and I'm sorry too."

Meanwhile, everyone stared with their eyes practically bulging out of their bodies. They knew that Natasha never apologized, and sure as hell knew that she didn't like it when people calls her by the nickname given by Clint.

"Please, let me introduce you," Tony said while walking over to her, and grabbed her shoulder with one arm with pointing with the other. "That's Rhodey, my right hand man, Black Panther, Spider-Man, and Vision. They'll do everything in their power to make you feel at home—"

"You're a robot. . .?" The girl questioned towards Vision, and he slowly nodded. "What's that thing on your forehead?"

"Oh!" He said, lightly grazing his fingertips over it, "It's the mind stone, helps keep me alive."

"Vision is more than a stone, though." Nat chimed, "He has his own consciousness."

(Y/N) nodded along while taking a moment to scan every face. One caught her eye, Spider-Man, because he seemed to be the same age as her. Her head tilted slightly as she examined him. A brunette with matching teddy bear eyes, and a sharp jaw yet soft face. He was staring at her as well.

"What's your name?" She asked, and his eyes widened as he went into a stuttering mess. "Who, oh, me? Oh, well, uh, my name is, um. . . Peter!"

The girl paused for a moment, and everyone was waiting in anticipation to hear her nexts words.

"I like that name."

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