Serenade Song

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This is dedicated to Midnight0505 because she said that she loved the song, so this is my gift to you!

Peter was nervous, to say the least. His hands had been clammy all day, and sweat had drenched his forehead, ensuring that Flash would pick on him even more.

But he wasn't nervous about Flash, he was nervous about you.

Today were the auditions for chorus, which you signed up for every year. And this year, he was signing up in an act to impress you.

Peter had liked you for just about a year, and tried to do everything in his power to make you notice him as more then just someone you talk to sometimes. But little did he know, you actually noticed him and had a huge crush on him.

When the bell for last period rang, Peter stood up quickly and collected his things. He rushed out of the classroom and traveled to room 049A, which the chorus auditions were being held. He was the third one there and waited patiently, even though it felt as if his heart was going to beat out of his chest.

Am I making a mistake? What if she thinks this is ridiculous and laughs at me for the rest of the year? What if I don't pass the audition? I'm definitely making a mistake, I need to get out of here.

The brunette began to gather his belongings to run away and forget any of this even happened, but he froze when the chorus director called out his name. "Peter, you're next, get in here!"

Peter sighed and slowly walked into the room, closing the door behind him. It was a classroom with thirty desks and posters about George Washington were scattered around. He made his way over to the chorus director and smiled awkwardly, putting his things down on a nearby desk.

"Peter, I didn't know that you liked singing!" The woman exclaimed with a bright smile, and he just shrugged. Her smile dulled into a mischievous one as she said lowly, "Who are you trying to impress, Peter Parker?"

Peter's head whipped up from the floor and to the lady who was smirking. He fumbled his fingers with each other and began to feel the sweat line his forehead. "Uh-no, no one, Miss."

The woman rolled her eyes but leaned back and wafted a hand into the air. "Go on, start."

Peter cleared his throat, anxiety clawing at his insides. He stood up a little bit straighter but continued to look at the floor as he began to sing.

"My head is filled with ruins, most of them I've built with you—"

"Louder, Peter! I can't hear you!" The woman bellowed obnoxiously, pushing her glasses back up her nose.

"Uh, okay." Peter whispered, then cleared his throat again, swaying from leg to leg gently, almost as if it was his rhythm.

"Can I just, um, do the chorus of the song?" He asked. "Yes, of course, darling!"

"I'm gonna miss you, and I'm still there, sometimes I wish, we never built this palace, but real love is never a waste of time, but real love is never a waste of time."

Peter stopped to look at the lady who was judging him to see her reaction. And he was confused by it. She was smiling, it was bright and her white teeth nearly blinded him.

"It's always the shy ones who can sing, my boy! Welcome to the chorus!"

Soon Peter scrambled out of the room to go and walk home to make pizza rolls. He opened the door and shuffled away, only to be stopped by, what he thought, an angelic voice.

"Peter, you auditioned?"

He looked over hesitantly to see you smiling widely at him, not trying to make fun of him at all. He looked down and nodded quickly. "Uh, yeah, I, uh I did." He said while scratching the back of his head.

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