Don't Go

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It all started at lunch on a Thursday.

You sat with Ned, who was your best friend, and Peter, who was your boyfriend of about five months now. Michelle sat at the end of the table, away from all of you but still acting like she was in the conversation.

Ned asked Peter, was sitting next to you, if they could build the Death Star LEGO set tonight, and you were about to butt in and say no because Peter was supposed to be taking you out to dinner tonight, but the boy beat you to it.

"Actually I can't, I have a lot of homework."

You turned to him and furrowed your eyebrows. "And we're going to dinner tonight?" You said more as a question. He turned to you with wide, forgetful eyes.

"I-I forgot, (Y/N.) I'm sorry, but I can't tonight, Aunt May needs my help cooking dinner. We'll reschedule soon, I promise."

But you just stared at him with sad eyes. "You just said that you have lots of homework to do, now you have to help Aunt May?"

Peter's blood went cold when he realized the mistake he had made. He had been so caught up with Spider-Man lately that now he can't even think of a straight lie.

"I have to do both, (Y/N). I'm sorry."

You stood up and grabbed your backpack, slinging it over your shoulder. "W-Where are you g-going?" He asked while intently watching you gather your things.

"To my locker." You spat, then stomped off, tears filling your eyes.

Peter wouldn't stop canceling dates. He always used homework and Aunt May as an excuse, but typically made it less obvious then how he did just moments prior. You started to feel like he didn't even like you, and that he didn't know how to break up with you so he just kept it going while trying to drift away.

You made your way to the empty hallway and walked down to your locker, spinning the combination. As you were digging books out from your locker, you heard feet pounding against the tiles. You looked up to see Peter huffing and puffing in front of you.

You stood up and straightened, trying your best to ignore his presence, but it was hard to when he was breathing down your neck. He suddenly grabbed a textbook out of your hand, and you whipped toward him, angry.

"Give it back, Parker." You hissed. You had always called him Parker, even when you were angry.

"I can make it to dinner tonight, I'll help Aunt May another day and do my homework right when I get home, okay? Please, let's go to dinner, just the two of us."

You put your raised hands that were going after the textbook down, and felt the anger slowly diminish. You absolutely hated how he could do this to you, calm you down in one second from a gentle touch or even just words. He was your weakness and you couldn't get over it.

"I'll meet you there at seven." You said softly, and he took a step closer to you to kiss your forehead. "I'll see you later, (Y/N)." He said, then handed your textbook back to you and walked away.

You watched him walk, and just thought of how quickly you were falling out of love with him, even though you two had never said that you loved one another before. And you had a feeling that it wouldn't happen.


The clock blinked 6:30 as you put on mascara, the finishing touch to your look. You wore a short black dress and curled your hair, then completed the look with makeup and high heels. You admired yourself in the mirror and even twirled once. You were proud of your look, and excited for dinner with your boyfriend. You thought that maybe tonight you could somehow mend the relationship back, and you were determined to do just that.

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