Nightmares (2)

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(Y/N)'s heart was going a thousand miles a minute as she shifted from foot to foot, distributing her weight. She was biting at her lower lip while twiddling with her fingers, something she commonly did when she was nervous. Her eyes were focused on the wooden door in front of her with a shiny silver door knob.

Just knock. What's the worst that could happen?

My dignity could fly directly out of the window.

Well, isn't it already gone?

Oh, bite me!

Irritated with her conscious, she turned around and walked briskly down the hallway, but she stopped halfway down, sighing while looking down at her fingers. She stared at them for a second before muttering a curse under her breath and turning back around, her gaze meeting the door.

A second mental battle with her mind later she was forcing her feet to move back to the door while frowning nervously. Without letting herself think out of it, she knocked three times on the door with her knuckles, then took a step back while looking down the hallway.

I could make a run for it, I bet I still have time!

She sighed disappointedly when the door before her opened, and she snapped her head over to Peter, who was smiling down at her softly. Her breath hitched in her throat upon seeing his outfit choice. He wore black sweatpants that read Stark Industries down the right leg and a grey tank top that was. . . incredibly fitted. Her cheeks instantly inflamed as she bit her bottom lip again nervously, forcing her eyes to tear themselves away. They landed on his hair, which was the same shade of the earth and styled messily. It was curly and flopping all over the place, and her cheeks impossibly reddened more.

"Come on in." He beamed, and he opened the door to let her in. She passed by him silently, keeping her head down. She stood in the middle of the clean room while he shut the door behind her, and turned to face her back. "W-Would you like to sit?"

The girl looked around, but saw no chairs. Her lip tugged to the side in curiosity as he corrected, "On the bed. Would you like to sit on the bed?" Her wyes turned to the object. He had dark blue sheets with white pillows and duvet. Her head tilted slightly as she stared at it.

"Your. . . bed?" She questioned out loud, turning to him. He nodded a few times nervously, "Yeah, you can sit on my bed. It's really comfy, don't knock it til you try it." The comment made her giggle with a smile, and he sighed in relief. He was incredibly thankful to get her to loosen up, even in the slightest.

(Y/N) slowly walked over to the bed and stood in front of it, admiring the sheets. "I like the colors." She commented, and he blushed. "T-Thanks. I picked them out myself!" She sat down on it and sunk into the mattress, curiosity looming over her.

"Does everyone have a bed like. . . this?" She asked while feeling the softness of the duvet, instantly resting her heart rate. He nodded while coming over and standing a few feet in front of her, crossing his arms. "So all beds aren't metal?"

Peter frowned at her question. He didn't even think about the bed being comfortable, of course HYDRA wasn't a five star hotel. Hell, it wasn't even a one. "No, beds are meant to be comfortable to help you sleep."

"It was hard to fall asleep on cold metal." She murmured before turning to him. "But cold is kinda my thing, so it wasn't the most difficult thing in the world."

The boy shifted and went around the bed, sitting on the right side and putting his feet up. She turned and faced him, attempting to mimic his movements. He smiled upon noticing and intertwined his fingers together while leaning forward. She examined him for a moment before doing the same, and he laughed. "You're cute, you know that?"

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