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It was a surprise when Peter figured out that you were Miss Disappear, his best friend. To say the least, when he ripped that mask off of you, he was shocked.

Of course, though, before that, he had no idea that it was you under the mask. He always believed that Miss Disappear was a girl who was in their early twenties and had a steady job, but needed something more, just as him. He believed that they were almost alike, he hadn't one time guessed that it was his best friend, who were exactly alike.

It was a stormy day when he figured you out, incredibly stormy indeed. He had been scanning the streets of Queens, looking for his fighting buddy to rant. Today, Ned had crushed his heart by saying that the person that he loved, (Y/N), didn't like him. "Come on man, just move on already." He had said, but he said no.

Since he was angry, he was swinging from building to building faster than usual, not caring at how much web fluid he was using. He needed to rant to his friend, Miss Disappear. These past days, he felt as if he could only rant to her about his crush on his best friend (Y/N), because she would always listen and give advice. The thing was, she gave damn good advice, but he was always too nervous to actually go through with anything.

Peter landed roughly on the roof, seeing Miss Disappear from a little ways away. "Hey." You said hurriedly, immediately noticing that something was wrong. "Hey." He said, stomping over to you and slumping down next to you. Your cheeks grew heated, and he couldn't see because of the mask, which you mentally thanked.

"Talk to me, Spidey. What's on your mind?" You asked, leaning a tiny bit closer to him, so you two were almost sharing a breath. Your heart sped up at the thought, along with the boy's.

"My friend Ned said that I don't have a chance with (Y/N)." He said glumly, his head looking down. "Of course you do!" You bellowed, rocketing up and now pacing in front of the hybrid boy. "From all of the stuff that you told me, of course you have a chance with her! She's practically in love with you!"

"You're only saying that because you care about me a little." "No, I'm saying it because it's true. If you take the chance that you have and ask her, you won't regret it. But what you will regret is if you didn't do it." He nodded silently.

Then, a crash was heard from a distance. You sprung up and whipped your hair behind your shoulder, looking over to Spider-Man, who was getting ready to jump. You two nodded to one another, then Spider-Man leapt off the building as you looked down at the floor, then teleported to the cement.

You kept on teleporting to parts of the sidewalk that you could see while your partner swung from the buildings. Soon, the two of you reached the destination. There was a robbery at a flower shop. You've got to be kidding me.

You looked back and smiled as the hybrid boy landed beside you, squatting then springing up. "Hey, you wanna handle this one?" You chimed, sending him a charming smile. Even though he was confused, he smiled gently back. "W-Why?" He asked. "Let's just say I can't go in there, so you're gonna have to handle this one on your own."

You began to stride away when he grabbed your wrist. "What do you mean you can't go in there? Crime will only stop if you stop it!" He exclaimed, looking as if you said the stupidest thing ever. You sighed and looked over at the unfolding scene. Two ladies behind the counter had their arms up and behind their head as a man was scrambling through the cash register.

"I'll cover you." He wanted to argue back, but didn't have enough time. He curtly nodded and then ran into the store, the bell chiming above him.

Meanwhile, you watched as Spider-Man tried to stop the robbery. Soon, the both of you quickly realized that it was an armed robbery. You cursed under your breath and continued to look, silently begging that he wouldn't need help.

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