Chapter 27

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I refused to be away from him. I literally made the doctors put our beds next to each other. Faiza and Edwin went to go wash up and change since they were covered in Nick and I's blood. Brandon wasn't giving a fuck and he was in a chair currently waiting for the doctors results.

Nick was in and out. Which was scary as hell. I on the other hand was badly bruised up with a few complications. But Nick?


I looked at Nick instantly and got to my feet. I went to his side and he rubbed his eyes. Tears welled up in his eyes and I bit down on my jaw.

"I can't feel my legs Rose," he spat and my heart broke for him.

I grabbed his hand and nodded, "I know Nick. But the doctors took X-rays and we're going to figure out what's going on ok? We're all here," I replied squeezing my grip.

He gathered in my appearance and took a deep sigh, "I'm sorry for pushing you so hard-"

"Don't apologize. You saved my life Nick. Thank you," I cried as tears poured down my face.

"I'm scared Rose. I've injured my leg before- what if- what if I can't bounce back from this?" He panicked.

"You're Nick Mara. You got this," I reassured.

Faiza and Edwin returned in fresh clothes and I released a sigh. Faiza came next to me and grabbed my arm.

"How're you feeling?" She asked.

"Better. The pain killers worked we're just waiting on news on Nick's legs," I replied.

The doctor came in and saw all the people in here. "Are you all aware it's two people at a time?"

"Yes," we all mumbled.

"Well alright," he shrugged walking to Nick.

"How bad is it?" Nick asked intertwining our fingers.

"You've been injured on your leg before correct?" The doctor asked looking at his clipboard.


"Ok so this injury unfortunately worst. One leg is just bruised up but the same leg from last time is badly damaged. It'll take months possibly years of therapy," the doctor stated and Nicks heart monitor went faster.

I rubbed his hands with my thumbs and his eyes watered. "Doctor he's a dancer-"

"Yea not anymore. So sorry. I'll leave you to process a bit and we'll talk about therapy," the doctor stated and the room was silent.

The doctor left the room and Nick completely broke down. I wrapped my arms around him and Edwin began crying as well. Brandon and Austin covered their faces and Zion and Jewel were in pure shock and stared at the floor.

"Nick it's ok. We're all here for you. I promise we're gonna get through this," I mumbled kissing his forehead.

And it happened again.

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