Chapter 31

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I was finally released.

I was walking with crutches towards the doorway. Zion came next to me and helped me walk a little faster. Which hurt like hell.

"I know it hurts but you need to fight it," Zion sighed as I groaned in pain.

We reached the doorway and we headed inside. We sat on the couch and we all sat around the living room.

"I have something to show you guys," Faiza spoke up.

"What?" Edwin asked sitting next to her. She showed him her phone and he jumped up. "OH SHIT! Faiza you're the best what the fuck oh shit!"

"Bro what is it?!" I yelled.

Edwin smiled at me and showed me the phone. The rest gathered around me and my eyes widened at what I was seeing.

"Faiza.. I swear you're the smartest person I know about this time. I appreciate you not coming to my rescue first," I joked and she shrugged her shoulders laughing.

"Bro... she got the fucking license plate.." Zion sighed in relief sitting back down.

"Are we going to turn this in?" Jewel asked.

"Are y'all dumb? Y'all better turn it in- Matter of fact," Austin sighed shaking his head and took out his phone. "Faiza we're going to the precent."

"Nope. We're going to the precent. I got hit dumb fuck," I said and Austin stuck up his middle finger at me.

"Any time papa."

"I'm just going to pretend that never left your mouth sir," he said calmly not leaving his eyes from his phone.

I climbed off the bed and grabbed my crutches.

"Let's go."


"We have the license plate. Here it is."

Faiza gave her phone to the detective and he nodded at it.

"It's a clear shot wow. This is good. We'll look into this. So please tell me the story," the detective said pressing record.

Faiza looked at me and I sighed realizing she's never heard the full story. She grabbed my arm and smiled supportively.

"Um. Well I'm in a band PRETTYMUCH. My boy Zion has these two best friends he's grown up with and he introduced us to them. One of them, Rosemarie Smith, was dating this guy Andrew. She found out he cheated on her and they had a huge argument. Zion punched him and he got arrested. Later on the rest of us went to the house and Andrew popped up by hacking her location. They got into an other argument and he slammed her on the car. I saw and I beat the shit out of him. Badly. Causing him to have a glass eye and all. He started threatening us over text messages. A lot of drastic shit started going down. He invaded our house with a bunch of guys and shot Zion causing him to fall in a coma. He got caught that day. A year later, Zion Wales up from his coma and suddenly we started getting threatened again. He specifically wants revenge on me and Rosemarie. So Rosemarie ran off with her ... with her man and I stood here. And Faiza saw the car hit me and took a picture as fast as possible and revealed it today," I explained.

The detectives face was honestly priceless. He stared at me and obviously stopped writing a while ago in shock.

"Well... wow. That's a lot to process. What drastic things has this guy- Andrew done?"

"God so much... he's hit me twice with a car, he's kidnapped and raped Rosemarie, he's shot her man Brandon and he shot Zion, kidnapped and jumped Brandon, he's even threatened Rosemarie's daughter's life."

"Ok well... for now we're going to investigate on him. But eventually... Zion, Brandon and Rosemarie will have to testify. Will they be ready for that kind of .. reliving the trauma type thing?"

"I hope so. Because we're tired of this guy. We can't continue living scared like this. I'm tired of looking at all of them and wonder if it'll be the last time," I stuttered getting a little emotional.

"I understand. I will try my absolute best I promise you."


Zion and Austin went with Faiza and Nick to the precent so it was just Edwin and I. It was fairly quiet and it's just not the best time. I missed Rose so much.

"You ok?" Edwin asked and I realized he was staring at me this whole time.

"Oh uh yea I'm fine," I replied.

"Bitch. What's wrong?" He said rolling his eyes. "As if I don't know you."

"I'm pregnant," I spat and his eyes widened.

"Woah.. wow.. congratulations. Does Zion know-"

"Yes. He does," I replied.


"He wasn't too happy about it. It's going to affect my health with the whole therapy thing-"

"So... abortion?" He asked and. I glared at him

"Edwin I should slap you."

"I'm being realistic. Sorry I wouldn't want you to die either. Sorry if that's worthy of a glare," he spat and I sighed.

"I get it. I do. But I'm not killing my baby. Sorry."

"Jewel... we can't lose you. You can't die on us. That's all imma say."

"I'm not it's just gonna complicate things," I sighed.

"Ok Jewel. I just don't want to see you on the floor helpless again. You were doing great."

"I know. How're you doing?" I asked changing the subject.

"I'm ok. Besides this drama I can't complain. I feel kind of lonely. I just wish I did certain things differently."


"Remember Sunny? Well I kind of broke her heart. I was going on another level with her and then Zion died. And everything became about you and we .. you know. I really hurt her. I wish I didn't. I really liked her."

"Damn... I'm sorry Edwin. Fuck-"

"I don't regret any of that Jewel I just wish I was honest with her. I.. miss her. She would've been great for me. She was. I didn't think I was going to find someone after you," he sighed.

"Well you did. And I knew she was out there. I want you to hit her up and talk to her. At the end of the day a girl just wants you to be considerate of her feelings and be present you know? Go give that to her and you never know if the spark can light up again," I smiled and he smiled wide.

"I guess I'll give it a try again."

Our phones vibrated and our smiles dropped.

Unknown: Bun in the oven Jewel? That's gonna kill you off for me 👏🏼 also... testify against me I'll make several trips to people you love ☺️ good luck

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