Its okay to be Gay

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Rushing down the hallways, my cousin Richard was the first one I see. His eyes are still red like mine, I didn't sleep too because questions filled up my mind this whole time and I need explanations now. I take his hand and led him upstairs.


"Dad was gay before he met my mom. They had a one night stand and I was the result. Dad didn't want me to have a childhood where people stare at you and stay away from you because you're different from them. He didn't want me to live in fear and without confidence, so he said all those things about gays. He was hurting and he knows I'm gay and he was afraid for my future. He didn't want me to be like him, he just want me to live an easy and normal life. He also apologise over and over again, it's just, I never really thought that dad thinks about it like that. I didn't know he cared so much"

Nodding my head, I could also understand uncle Robert. Jealous for him to be finally free of his sufferings but happy for him at the same time.

" So the two of you are okay now?"

Confirming it he nod his head and a smile free of worries showed in his face. He and Evan would be a wonderful couple and they won't need to hide anymore. Yeah there would be people who don't like the difference but there are still people who appreciates anyone.

Lost stars was blaring through his phone, Evan, his boyfriend, was calling him so I just leave and give them some privacy to talk.

Taking my cigarettes I smoke outside and inhale the smell of nicotine. I know that it will decrease your life span but so what? There is no reason for me to live. But there is.

I need to finish him and end his game.


Are my chapters too small or boring?

Sorry for boring you😊😊

Anyways thank you for reading my book and appreciating it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!❤️❤️❤️❤️


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