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Where you spend basically half of your life with your family and your significant others. Where your heart belongs and where you feel safe.

But it all goes down the drain when a certain man ruined that simple wish I had. That wish to have a simple but full of love, that life I've been longing for since I was merely a child.

Crushed and trampled it with his self. No concern for an innocent child, no conscience and even so, no mercy.

I didn't really want to come here but time change. I still can't let go of that grudge and hatred that I've been burying and trying to forget all these years. But guess what? It all change when I took a single call. A call that's from my family.

Arianne, my little sister, got herself almost killed.

Suicide is what the police are suspecting based on the pills and the sharp objects that's been hidden under her bed and inside her drawers. I feel numb at that time. I felt like I just step on the past. Where I always cut and almost killed myself, but back then, no one knew. No one suspected me for being a suicidal. And to think that my sister, my sweet innocent sister trued to kill herself makes me fear it.

Fear what he's done.

So here I am now, after a decade of being out of their lives, here I am. Standing at my older brother Mason, who have an eye bag and a weary face. He pulled a long harsh breath and look at me again, his gaze complicated.

Well who doesn't right? Their  rebellious sister just got herself straighten. My face was still the same but I'm an adult now. Not the teenager that they used to be infuriated to. I'm an adult now who can think if herself and make choices by her own.

"How you've been?"

"Uhmm....just uh, good. Yeah I'm all good"

I could hear the awkwardness in his tone. Even I, who stays calm and rational for the past years life has treated me, is now getting herself nervous and frantic. I don't know how to face nor talk to him.

'Come on just talk to him like some normal person. You can do it, he's not just someone, he's your brother for goodness sake'

My mind is screaming at me for being stupid. I can't take it anymore and look at him in the eye. The two of us net gazes and avoid them in a beat. Its no use. It's unreal, so surreal that your brother was talking to you, your brother that's been ignoring you for years.

"Uh...we should get going. I mean, get in a cab and uh...take something to eat"

"Y-yeah, yeah sure. That's.... that's right"

I followed him while he take my suitcase from me. Until we hailed a cab and get off to some restaurant nearby, still, silence emerged on the two of us. It was tense and I was uncomfortable for the rest of the drive.

Finally, we arrived at the hospital. I actually don't like hospital's, don't get me wrong, it helps and cure some people but that's it. They only cure the outside and when they do clean the inside, that inner side of you, it just makes you feel like an experiment. Where they tried to see what you think, tests and conclusions and all that medicines, pills that are "supposed" to make you better.

Finally, arriving at a white door with a number 75 on it, Mason opened the door. There I saw my sister. Lying along with her was my mother, whom got sickly pale and thin, maybe due to worrying and her old age. My father, who I always see of as a brave man had his back bent and his face full of sadness and misery. Jason, my other brother just have this dazed look, someone cough and all eyes were on me.


Silence filled the room as their eyes were trained on me. My mother broke that silence when she walk up and hug me so tight. I didn't even know she's in front of me.

"My baby, my lovely daughter. How are you? How's the flight honey? Are you tired?"

I was bombarded with questions and I just stared at her, too mesmerized by her. I was momentarily blinded by her concern that I forgot my father and brothers.

"It's good that you're back"

Yes father, it's a good thing I'm back. Even though meeting all of you here was not on my list on why I came here, I still do like, no I love it. To be here with you , all the things I experience was all worth it.

I came here for revenge. Yes you're right, I'm still caught up in the past. And that brother of yours, whom you treated with love and respect, will pay. He will pay for what he's done to us.

If I died and go to hell, at least I could drag him down.


Hey guys!!!!

Did you miss me? heheheheheehehehe 🤣🤣 😳 😳

I've been sleepy all day and I just wanna sleep all day😴😴

I still wish you could bear with me, all though this is not the most romantic tragic stories you've read, it means a lot to me. I can't tell you the reason why but I really wish you could love this story as much as I do.

Don't be a stranger 😁😁

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