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The knuckles of my dad trembled as my mother's sob broke through the four walls of our house. They were watching the tv, along with my brothers with their face hanging low, oy the clenching of their hands can show their silent fury and guilt.

He was finally punished.

After Elliot leaves, he kiss my forehead and said that everything will be alright, that I don't need to worry about anything. I just nodded at him and pull him with a passionate kiss, although I didn't want to let go, I unfortunately did.

I didn't expect it to happen this fast.

I've been wishing for this moment, dreading the final result. But now that it's right in front of my face, getting him pay for his sins by a million of people witnessing it, I could only feel my breath quivered in relief.

My shoulders shook and I was pulled into a hug, it was a man based by his body and weight. He was sobbing intently and I was awkward, not knowing what to do so I just placed my hands on to his back.

And right there I knew that my father unlock the Pandora's box.

All of our family was crying, my sister Arianne broke out into a smile. It was a sight to behold, it seems that all of her dark emotions and hollowed face begun to bloom again.


Something falls on my face as I was being hug, it was warm and wet, dripping onto my cheeks.

I was crying.

Then a loud sob resonates from the room, at first I thought it was from my mother, but then they look at me, guilt on their faces and right there I know, it was all me. I was the one who was on the verge of a meltdown, sobs racked through my trembling body as I fight the urge to bile.

"I'm sorry.....I'm sorry rose, I'm so so sorry"

"M-my daughter....I'm sorry"

It stays like that for a full 3 hours, until my tears ran dried and my hiccups and sobs were no longer heard, that's when I stop, that's when we all stopped.


The news where televising about his sins, and how he was caught and all if his "friends" who are the other type to involve into illegal things, are now sentenced to prison. He was imprisoned for a life sentence and I was glad he met his future fate.

Every man who has sinned will be punished.

They were talking about the countless girls he offered for his business friends just to get into their good side, let countless of girls, innocent girls died because of his hands. Their future was bright, but it was ripped from them, just like mine.

They also show some drugs being hauled into a truck, countless of it which means that he is using it to fluorish his business. People are throwing eggs and words at him, words that cuts like a knife towards a person. I smiled at it, not feeling any bit of guilt and remorse, instead I rejoiced on the feeling of it.

The feeling of accomplishing your task, the smell of victory lingered on the air I'm breathing, as well as the toich of freedom running through my veins.

Kring! Kring!

The sound of ringtone was heard through the silent room, my old room. I immeaditely answer with a smile blooming on my face.

"Elliot .......thank you. God, thank you so, so much"

I didn't realize I was crying again till I heard his frantic shouts at me asking me to stop crying and that everything is finally ending.

"Why are you crying? Aren't you the fiercest, tigress-like woman I've ever met. Besides, youve got me... I- I mean, yeah, I'm here and there are people who supports you,that's what matters more right?"

My heart's swells with love, even though it's been hard for me to love when I was in a mess, a suicidal teen with a rebellious streak on her body, he still stayed.

I don't need a man who always say he loves me, but a man who will stay with me throughout my brightest and darkest day.

"I've achieved justice because if you. This girl's out there who are a victim of him, will thank you immensely for you have done a good thing towards them. Ha.... Elliot, I never knew that I could be free,could be this......this happy, and it's all because of you"

I heard his chuckles and a smile made it's way to my face again. I could never be tired to hear his laughter's.

"Watch the news, it's my birthday gift for you and your sister"

I got downstairs, still holding my phone with one hand on my ear. The sounds of the refrigerator humming, the cold wind slicing through the small gaps of the house, the voice of the reporter pierced through the evening night of our family.

They were seating on a couch, watching the news as my father saw me. I smiled at them and made my way through my sister Arianne, my hand taking hers and focusing through the news.

"-that this man was a criminal, a rapist and a human trafficking and drug dealer"

"Yes Tony, and some of the reports were said that he hid it well from his family, no one knows and only one of the family members admitted that he has done something to her repeatedly since her childhood"

My mother's hand made it's way through me while my other hand was slipping through my sister Arianne. Both my father and brother stood, as if protecting us from the darkness of the world.

"Because of his many crimes, the man who was well-known for his generosity, kindness and being a gentleman was sentenced to a life imprisonment"

After that, all of us heaved a sigh. A cry was heard and soon all if is were crying again. It was is our pent up emotions we're released one by one.

"We won, Arianne we won! We're free now!"

And to that our hearts celebrate, our minds we're now free of dark thoughts and our body seems lighter.

We were free.


This is the end, unfortunately I really love this book as if it was my daughter.

Epilogue is coming up in a few days, I won't have much time to read now because school is hectic and we are revising our research!!!

Finally, research is a bit more okay now.

Please stay tuned and I hope you love this chapter.

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