Last time meeting Elliot

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Dedicated to my friend Jeline!! I hope you're okay now, remember that were always here for you and I hope you can surpass this challenge!! Have faith in God love you!!!


The bell rings as soon as I step out. Blaring noises drilling on my ears as the sounds of multiple steps as well as the chatters lingered across the hallways. My eyes were searching for someone, tapping my feet impatiently I turn to the left side where I could see a mass of black, blond and brunnete hairs making it's way to the canteen (supposedly).


I jog around him and take his hands while he almost jump out from the action I just did.

"Do you really like me jumping out of my skin from your scare? Geez!"

Cocking my eyebrows, he shrunk back to his usual timid self. I really hope to gouge that teary eyes full of fear on me.

"Shut up, were going to cut classes"

I didn't let him continue to talk and instead pull him through the sea of people. Turning left and right, we dodge,I mean I dodge while Elliot just go with the flow (meaning he just let me pull him) We eventually end up at the back of the school and I saw my usual getaway place. Years before that was made, I dug up and did many things to get that fricking metal out of that damned place.

Clang, clang!

Levelling myself at the ground, I slip out of it and signalled Elliot to do the same. He shakes his head in fear, eyes looking out for someone to checked upon the back of the school and eventually find us.

"F*cking coward"


We whispered-shout to each other. As soon as I saw him looking behind I pull his head and lowered it while he struggled at my hold. He didn't do much struggle mainly because he thinks I'll get hurt by doing it.

I ran across the parking lot and caress my baby, Elliot looks like he's gonna pee on his pants. I sat down on my baby and starts the ignition. He snaps out of his daydream while I pat the seat beside me.

"Get here"

I give him my outmost glare and he timidly seat behind me. His hands were shaking and I could see that he's hestitating to wrap it around my body. I held his hands and put it on my waist, he tried to struggle and get it off me but I tsk and glare at him.

"If you don't wanna fly backwards, get your hands on me"

He gulp and eventually wraps it around my waist though he's action was awkward. I couldn't help the grin off my face as I imagined him putting it with his face scrunched up in concentration and hestitating whether it's in the other side or the other.

My hair was tied up in a bun so I could feel the caress of the wind on my skin. It might be cold but all I could feel was warmth. Maybe it's because of Elliot's hands, he's literally hovering before me and his body warmth was oozing out. My shirt was thin and I could feel every protruding bones on his hands on my waist. It feels ticklish and I can't help but sink in to the feeling.

It's been too long since I've been held and felt the warmth of a person.

We eventually arrived at a wide road with the barriers on it. It was on the way to a mountain place and this time, no cars were around and the sum was the only one accompanying us. Red, pink and orange mixed together creating a beautiful sunset. The towns and buildings were like ants on our eyes and the cold wind blowing us, letting us know that it's here. I relished on the peace this road gives me, everytime I came here I was ready to shout. Frustrations and hatred filled my mouth as I shout it to the world. In this place is where I let myself be vulnerable, let myself free the pain on my chest.

"Why are we here? Another sacred place of yours?"

I look at him and I was almost blinded by his figure. The sun setting on his side, he was glowing and his face looks more well defined and every structure was seen.

He wave his hands in front of me and I was back again. I look at him in question and he ask again.

"Yeah it is. It's wide, perfect for screaming and not all people drive here. It's a perfect place for a sanctuary"

He nodded his head and looks out again. I followed his gaze and look at the sight in front of me.

"Maybe it's for the best that I leave. This place was toxic for me. I can't breathe and everytime I do, it feels like a knife was lodge on my throat. The look in their eyes, the thoughts in their minds"

He opened his mouth, like a fish gaping. Laughter's echoed around the road as my mouth we're filled with snorts. I couldn't help it.

Elliot's the only one who can make me laugh like this.

Sorry guys for not updating!!!

If you read the authors note they you know the reason why. Anyways exams are finished!! Second semester here we come!!😁😁😁

Although my friend is in a dilemma, she got low grades and I really hope she's okay. I really wanted to comfort her but I don't know how. Sometimes I think I'm just messing it up.

Any thoughts and ideas on my chapter?

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