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         Dedicated to:kat-unicorn

I found a mass of black hair as soon as I cleared out of the forest. He seems like his hestitating if he wants to call or not, his hands are fiddling his phone while looking at the forest. Hmm.... It seems that he's waiting for me.

I turn left and tiptoed behind his back, his frantic and lost eyes still held the forest, searching for someone.

Searching for me.

I never knew that it's fun teasing him, hell I never think that I would be like a normal teenager when I'm with him. It still surprise me and scared me, yes, the girl that beats people and curses at her family is scared of a wimpy boy, I haven't even considered him as a guy. But what can I do? I don't know anything about the opposite sex and only know the bad things they possess, which I haven't found on Elliot.

Maybe he's just good in pretending.

Like me.


"Argh! What the fudge! God you scared me!"

He leap off his feet, I can't help but laugh when I'm comparing him into a chicken I scared back when I was a kid. The reaction from the two of them are the same.

"You're such a scaredy cat"

He opens his mouth to retort but he close it again. I can't help but  feel dissapointed. I wanted him to talk to me like a normal teenager. But am I normal in his eyes.

People think of me as the rebellious teenager who can kill you because she has a backer.

When did I start to think of what ifs?

This isn't  me, but we'll even I don't  know what's the real me.
But i know that one day the walls that he built up are coming down and I will be the one to break it.

"Come on, I'll show you somewhere"


"You just need to lay back and find out for yourself"

I hold his warm hand, huh? I didn't know that his hands are bigger than mine. He's just boney but not to the point that he's all bones, with the right meat and exercise,he'll be built like the other guys on our football team.

I drive through the endless forest while he hug me behind, my hair flowing, dancing in rhythm with the wind as I feel the pounding, no it's the other person's heart. Elliot.

His heart is beating so fast indicating that he's nervous and by the way he holds my waist, I wouldn't doubt a second of it.

We came a top of a mountain and I'm still holding his hand while we trek up above. There are bumps and plants that make my skin itch, fortunately I was not like other girls and decided to wear clothes that are fit for the climate and place. I wore my usual white tank top with Fight at the middle of it and pair it with own of my own flight jacket and some leggings to cover up my legs. Those girls out there must be a freezing their ass off from the clothes or should I say poor excuse of an underwear.

We finally came to the destined destination and I can't still help but feel awe at this. We're on top of a small mountain and above of us were dazzling stars, glittering through the night. There's so many of them and you just feel amazed everytime you look up. Ahead of us were the brightly lights coming from the city, highlighting their structure. It was surreal yet it feels like home for me.

"Do you know that everytime I come here, I feel like I'm a better person"

He look at me questioning my words, I just smiled and continue.

"Look at the stars, look how they shine at you. Even in my darkest times. I always look up at the skies, because stars won't be shining brightly if there weren't darkness,right?"

"I understand"

I look at his eyes and I see myself in them. Grinning, it seems like I wasn't the only one who feel this way.

Who feels as if we're not part of the this planet called Earth.

As if the only things we experienced in here was pain and sadness. The things they teach us is to endure quielty and be cruel to to others.

Because if you want to live, then you need to survive.

I'm sorry for not updating earlier.

I have research and it's wearing me down

I hope you have a good day

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