#14: Zoa

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"Hello, there. My name is Ailanthus, or Aina for short." The girl began to speak. "As you can see... me and this dragon are on good terms. Do you wish to have it?"

"Yes..." Zak replied quietly, still in shock from Zoa. The rain soaked him, making his suit stick to his skin, and his spiky hair fall flat against his forehead.

"Your conviction isn't strong enough. Say it louder." Aina replied in a serious tone, as her cloak took the hits by the raging rain. Zak shifted his attention to her, before gritting his teeth together and opening his eyes, revealing eerie purple pupils he was known for.


(Opening here)

"As they say, the window to someone's soul is their eyes

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"As they say, the window to someone's soul is their eyes... and your soul really wants this, hm?"

"Not "want". Need."

"I like your attitude, young man. So, let us reap what you have sewn for you have had the courage to continue standing here even though I unleashed Zoa. We shall Cardfight over who gets her." Aina explained.

"Oh... I'll be excited for this one!" Zak proclaimed, pointing at her. "Just know I'll beat you to the ground."

"The same can be said to you. Say, let's go somewhere with cover. We don't want our cards getting wet, right?" Aina turned Zoa into a card and put it into her cloak pocket.

"Of course. I appreciate the thought." Zak nodded and followed Aina as she began to walk up a hill.

"They can get pricey. Plus, they use cardboard to make it... and cardboard comes from trees. And trees... are precious life, that shouldn't be torn down without a second thought." She explained with a gentle voice. It was like she was Mother Nature, only realised into a human.

"You speak with... a passion. A weird passion for trees." Zak replied tactfully.

"I'm an enthusiast for nature. What more can I say?" Aina shrugged as she stopped at a large tree with long, branching out leaves.

"Nothing else. You seem, nice, even though you're more mysterious than the average person." Zak stopped, standing across her.

"Some people just don't want others to know who they are. I am one them." She replied, before throwing her FICA down. "No more of this friendly talk, please. It'll make me feel bad when I win."

"Likewise." Zak threw his FICA down as well; the two expanding and connecting into a game board.

"What I do like about some of this rubble of wildlife is their versatility. You can use the chopped up logs as a seat, so you don't have to stand." Aina sat down on a log, as Zak mimicked her.

"It's not the most comfortable... but it's beat standing up, I guess."

"Yes. Anyways, whenever your ready. I hope to have a good match."

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