#55: Imaginary Dive

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I feel like a criminal.

I'm sorry for what I'm doing, Zeon. But I can't live like this anymore.

The light to find Yza is shining brighter than before.

I'm going to grab hold of that light, with these two dirtied hands of mine.

I know I've been a terrible girlfriend. I know I've been a horrible woman. I know I've done unforgivable actions.

Yet, you still fought until the bitter end, for me.

That's why this time, I will be the one to fight for you.

This time, I will be the one to save you.

I'm going to go into Cray.

Nothing will stop me until I can embrace you.

I'm not going to let go of you...

I promise.

Please wait for me.

(Opening here)

Yozora sat up in his bed, staring at his beeping alarm clock

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Yozora sat up in his bed, staring at his beeping alarm clock. With dark circles around his eyes, he rubbed them and walked over to the curtains.

"I didn't sleep at all last night..."

He pulled the curtains back, dazzled by the morning sun. He sat on the edge of his bed, contemplating what to do.

"You're Yza."

"You're just one of the personalities belonging to the man named Yza Blade."

"What the hell do you know... you snake of a friend and stupid bitch of a sister..." Yozora chucked his pillow to the floor, stamping on it while sighing. "Yza... I FUCKING HATE THAT NAME!"

Chiharu opened the door, waving at Yozora.

"Are you okay, Yozocchi?"

"...knock before you come in." Yozora picked up the pillow and threw it on his bed.

"You were shouting loudly. I couldn't help myself."

"I'm fine, Chiharu."

"You've been acting weird since yesterday. What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm sorry, could you just... leave me alone for a bit."

"Mm... Alright. Message me when you're finished, so we can go to school."


Chiharu left, closing the door. Yozora threw himself on the bed, sighing.

"Are you angry at me too?"

"Ubume... do you remember Kristy?"

"As clear as day. It seems she's done something as Crystal Edge Dragon to make everyone forget who she is."

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