#36: Pride

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"Yozora, Chiharu, Shika, you three, get outta there now!!" Inu barked on his phone, gritting his teeth as he watched Zak and Sin walk away from the school.

"Understood!" Shika exclaimed into the phone that was pressed against his ear.

Currently, Shika, Yozora and Chiharu were all lumped together inside a classroom with their bags, waiting for when the coast was clear to leave the building. Shika turned his attention back to his friend, and gave a confirming nod to the couple; Yozora and Chiharu giving a nod back to show they understood. Not long after, the group left the classroom and began running down the corridors with haste, Shika leading them to the front of the school.

As they went outside, the rain continued to descend as it danced in the sky and dropped on them fiercely. Chiharu took out a pink umbrella from her bag and opened it, shielding both her and Yozora from the rain, while Shika opened the red umbrella in his hands and grinned feverishly at the two. From across the school, Inu waved at them with a thumbs up, causing Shika to wave back in response.

"Me and Yozocchi are gonna walk home now." Chiharu announced, taking Yozora's hand. "Stay safe, Shika."

"You guys as well," Shika said, taking out his ringing phone and answering. "Hey, Inu. We're gonna head back home now."

"Alright. Should me and Riku accompany you guys are you good by yourselves?" Inu replied with his phone against his ear.

"Nah, we should be good." Shika said, looking at Yozora and Chiharu who began to walk away. "Thanks for the offer though. I'll call you if anything comes up."

"Yeah, sure. Stay safe." Inu said, ending the call.

"See you guys tomorrow!" Shika exclaimed to his friends. Yozora and Chiharu looked over their shoulders and smiled, waving a little. Shika grinned and left in the opposite direction, back to his house.

(Opening here)

With the skies slowly clearing up from the rain, Chiharu put away her umbrella and inhaled the sweet smell of the dew that frosted over the patches of grass from gardens that were near her house

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With the skies slowly clearing up from the rain, Chiharu put away her umbrella and inhaled the sweet smell of the dew that frosted over the patches of grass from gardens that were near her house. Yozora ruffled his slightly damp hair and breathed a sigh of relief, knowing they were safe after zigzagging through a maze of paths to reach familiar territory. Walking another straight line and taking a corner bend, Chiharu squealed with excitement. Yozora followed, and began picking up the pace once they reached a row of urban, modern houses that were sleek in design and large and spacious. Walking a bit further down to a more modest, quartz white house slated with a good roof with a sharp appearance, Yozora and Chiharu quickly ran towards the aquamarine gates with a thrilling excitement shining in their eyes.

"Home sweet home!" Chiharu squealed, looking through her purse to find the house keys. However, leaning on the gates was an unexpected visitor, Inferno. The appearance of the hooded figure turned Chiharu's gleeful face into burning anger, while Yozora cringed slightly, as his eyes slowly glazed over with murky worry. Slowly, he took out his phone from the inside of his blazer's pocket, and began to search through his contact list.

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