Chapter Six

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Mare's Pov

It had been awhile since I had actually truly smiled. Leave it to my family to bring it out.

We spent most of the trip to Montfort catching up on everything that we'd missed in each other's lives lately. Dad's health was greatly improving and he had started to go on short runs. Mom had decided to cut off the gray ends of her hair, claiming that she no longer wanted to be reminded of the stilts and our past and to instead keep moving forward. Bree and Tramy were still the same. Still training, still soldiers for the guard. Gisa's hand was now completely healed and she had gone back to sewing. Kilorn had come too. By now, he was practically part of the family. Mom had also brought Clara, Farley's daughter.

A few times, Gisa and Kilorn had tried to bring up Tiberias, but eventually figured out the rumors were true when I became quiet and didn't answer their questions. Thankfully, they didn't mention him the rest of the flight, but I noticed Kilorn shooting glares at his back every so often.

The ride in the transports and the climb up the steps was the same. Filled with talking and laughter. It wasn't until we reached Davidson's house that everyone calmed down. It was a beautiful house and I heard Mom and Gisa gasp when it came into sight. They'd only ever lived in the stilts or the barracks at the Guard's bases. Even our house in Corvium was nothing compared to this.

"We're actually going to stay here?" Gisa whispered to me causing me to chuckle while I nodded my head.

We followed Davidson to the huge oak doors. As he was reaching for it, someone threw open the doors and pulled Davidson in for a hug. Farley came over to me with Clara and whispered, "That's Carmadon. Davidson's husband."

I glanced at her in shock and she just nodded her head in response. Gisa had clearly overheard us, because she was looking at me with surprise and excitement in her eyes. I smiled at her and we turned back to Davidson who introduced us to Carmadon. Carmadon welcomed us with a smile and ushered us inside to show us to our rooms.


"And you must be the Barrows," Carmadon says coming to stand in front me and my family after we had gone inside the house. "Please follow me."

We follow Carmadon up two flights of stairs and down a few halls. We eventually reach a pair of doors that open to a living room with a balcony. Judging by the hallways extending from the room, each must lead to our bedchambers. Carmadon leaves us to get settled and Bree and Tramy immediately race each other down a hall to find the best room. Mom and Dad head off in another direction in search of theirs, and Gisa leaves to go find the room we'll share.

So much time has passed and I still can't sleep by myself because of what Maven did and the nightmares he created.

Thinking of this brings back the painful memories of the Calore brothers, and I sigh as I head out onto our balcony to think. I'm interrupted by a knock on our door and I leave to open it since nobody else is around.

"Sorry if I disturbed you Mare, but I have some very important information we need to discuss," Davidson says from the other side of the open doorway.

I can see the fear and concern in his eyes, an odd thing for Davidson considering he hides his emotions so well.

"Of course. Is everything alright?" I ask as my mind starts listing off everything that could've possibly gone wrong.

"Come with me," he replies and I follow him down the hall.


Davidson closes the door behind us and gestures for me to take a seat in one of the chairs at the desk in front of us.

We're in what seems to be Davidson's office which has bookshelves lining all of the walls except for the back which is covered in windows that look out over the cities of Montfort.

I take a seat at the desk as Davidson does the same. He digs through a pile of papers and pulls one out, giving it a quick glance before sliding it over to me. I read over it and gasp not believing that what I just read is true. I look up to Davidson to see the pained look on his face confirming whats on the paper.

"You've found a Newblood whisper," I whisper almost inaudibly, but Davidson slowly nods.

I get up and start pacing the room, trying to process this information. If there's one Newblood whisper out there, then there's bound to be more. Not to mention, Newblood whispers are bound to be stronger than their silver counterparts, thus making them even more deadly. What if someone else ends up like Maven?

I feel someone put their hand on my shoulder and I'm yanked away from my thoughts. I dig my nails into my palms to try to keep myself under control. The last thing we need is a power outage.

"Don't worry Mare. We currently have him in a silent stone prison where he can't harm anyone," Davidson says from behind me.

Silent stone. Even just the mention of it sends a shvier up my spine and brings back the nightmares of my prison. I instinctively touch the area on my wrists where my manacles sat. I turn back towards Davidson doing my best to summon as much courage and leadership into my gaze as I can.

"Do you trust him?" I ask Davidson cursing my wavering voice.

The question seems to catch him off guard, but he quickly recovers. "He's been with Montfort from the start. I trust him."

I take a deep breath before replying. "Then release him."

Davidson nods and I start heading to the door. "I need to talk to Tiberias."


I knock on Tiberias's door and hear footsteps heading towards me from the other side.

It took me awhile, but I was eventually able to track down a maid who knew where his rooms were.

He opens the door and I see his eyes widen as he sees me.

'Mare . . .?" he whispers.

My eyes trail downwards to his uncovered chest. I look behind him into his rooms to avoid the painful memories that resurface.

"We need to talk," I say looking up to meet his concerned eyes.

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