Chapter Thirty-Two

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After Cal leaves, we all sit in silence for a while, Maven giving my hand a reassuring squeeze every so often.

Eventually, Annabel breaks the silence. "How about I let all of you figure whatever this is out and we'll talk about this later?"

Maven nods and we both head out of the study, hands still intertwined.

We walk through the halls and head into Maven's chambers where he slumps into a blue armchair and I lay down on a stiff blue couch.

After a while, I finally say, "Maybe I should talk to him."

Maven looks up at me and studies me for a bit. "Well, at this point you know my own brother better than I do so you might as well give it a try," he replies, resting his head in his hands.

"Maven," I say quietly, walking over to his chair. I sit down in front of him and grab one of his hands so that he has to look at me. "You haven't been yourself for years. You two just need time to get to know each other again. It's not your fault the two of you aren't as close as you used to be."

He just nods and I give him a kiss on the forehead.

"Everything will be okay. I promise. Just let me talk to him, okay?" I whisper.

Maven grabs my hand and looks up at me, those ocean blue eyes meeting mine.

"Are you going to be my queen?" He asks me quietly, the fear and worry in his voice evident.

"Of course, Maven," I answer, which causes him to relax.

I give him one last kiss before heading back into the hallways to look for Cal. I have no idea where he went or where he could possibly be going, so I wander through the blue halls, thinking of what I just promised Maven.

I'm going to be his queen. His red queen. The person Cal was hoping I'd be for him when he chose the crown. But I told him I was tired of life in the court and never wanted to be involved with royalty again. And yet here I am promising a boy king that I will be his wife.

After wandering through the countless palace halls for what feels like forever, I finally spot Cal tucked away into a corner. I hesitantly walk over to him and stop when we're a few feet apart.

"Hey," I say, causing him to look up at me.

"What is it Mare," he answers, clearly annoyed that I'm here.

"I think we need to talk Cal. About the queen thing," I say before pausing. "About us."

Cal doesn't move, doesn't speak. He just sits there with his head in his hands. I walk over to him and sit next to him, very aware of how hot he is. Minutes pass by, both of us just sitting in the silence. Finally, Cal turns his head to look at me and I notice how exhausted he looks. How tired he is of everything.

"I still love you Mare," he whispers, tears starting to spill from his eyes. "But I know you love him now."

He looks so hurt, so lost. I take one of his hands in mine and take a deep breath before saying the words that are going to rip him apart.

"I'm so sorry Cal. You're right, I don't love you anymore. I do love Maven. I always have. And I promised him I'd be his queen," I say quietly, doing my best not to let my own tears slip down my cheeks.

Cal closes his eyes and nods and I can tell he's trying so hard not to do something he'll regret.

"You need to let me go, Cal," I whisper. "If you're ever going to find your queen, you need to let me go."

And that's what does it. He breaks into tears, sobs racking his body. I pull him into me and let him cry onto my shoulder. He's been through so much, seen so much, and his life has barely begun. Yet, no one was there for him at times like these when he needed someone. I wasn't even there for him when he needed someone, but he was always there for me. The least I can do is be here for him now.

We sit here for a long time, Cal crying on my shoulder while I sit and let him. Eventually, he stops crying, but he doesn't let go. And I don't make him.

"Thank you, Mare. You were the best thing that ever happened to me. The one person who was with me throughout it all," he says into my shoulder.

"Thank you, Cal, for being there for me when I was lost and didn't know what to do or where to go. Thank you for being the one person who was always there. Who always cared," I quietly say back.

Cal pulls away and moves to sit in front of me, tears no longer on his cheeks, but his eyes are silver from all the tears he lost. I can no longer feel the warmth of him, the warmth I've gotten so used to having close to me.

"I'll never forget you, Mare," he says quietly before reaching out, his hands cupping my face.

"And I'll never forget you, Cal," I quietly reply, aware of just how close his face is to mine.

His eyes meet mine and before I know it, he pulls me to him and my lips meet his. It doesn't last long, but that kiss tells me more than any words he could ever say.

He stands up, helping me up from the ground.

"Goodbye Mare," he says before turning around and walking away.

Tears slowly slip down my cheeks as I realize that was the last kiss I'd ever get from him. That was the last goodbye he'd ever give me.

Cal has finally let go.

So I wrote these a few days ago and just got around to editing them because I got sick, but don't worry I'm hopefully back now. I do have a ton of stuff going on this week, but I'll do my best to update when I can. Please comment and vote if you enjoyed!

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