Chapter Twenty-Five

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Mare and I are coming to get you today. Be ready and please don't make this harder than it needs to be. We want to help and we know you want our help and we promise we won't hurt you. So please let us make this as easy as possible.
Your loving brother,

I slowly set the letter back down on my breakfast tray. I call for one of the guards stationed outside my door and tell him to bring me the Captain of the Guard. He hurries off down the hall and I wander over to my bathroom to get dressed. I throw on my usual black and take a look in the mirror. Same old disheveled black hair, same old pale skin, and same old dark circles under my eyes.

This is what I've become. A broken boy. A broken king. My family is either dead or doesn't want me. My kingdom is falling apart. My mother destroyed my mind and memories. And the only thing I love, the only person I love, doesn't love me back and I can't even remember if I ever did truly love her or if it was just another sick game my mother used to play with my mind.

I brace my hands on the counter top and watch my tears fall onto the white marble. The anger, the sadness, the pain, it all takes control as the tears come down faster and flames twist up and around my arms, burning away the sleeves of my shirt.

Every time I think of what she's done, what she's taken away, I can't control it. The flames control me and I'm just the stupid boy king too young for his title.

I need them to free me before I rip myself apart, and this kingdom with me.

I fall into a small heap on the floor and let the tears finish rolling down my cheeks. I hear a knock at the door, signaling that the guard is back with the captain. I pick myself up off the floor and change my shirt, but leave my tear stained face as it is.

Everyone in this palace has seen me in worse states.

I make my way over to the door and let the Captain inside, quickly telling him that Cal and a friend will be visiting and to let them in without any trouble. He gives me a quick 'yes your majesty' before heading back out into the hall. I watch him leave before making my way over to a chair in my seating area where I sit down and wait.



I watch out the window as our jet slowly lands on the airfield next to Whitefire. The palace glows in the midday sun and I watch as the brightly colored sentinels patrol its gates. I look over to Cal who's staring at the palace with a sort of hope and longing. I squeeze his hand and he meets my gaze and I give him a small smile.

"Let's go save your brother."

We make our way off the jet and sentinels greet us, surrounding us as we head towards the gates of the palace. At least Maven had the good sense to alert his guards that we were coming.

They lead us into the palace and we head towards Maven's rooms. Everything looks exactly the same as the last time I was here. We walk past Mareena's room and my stomach tightens into a knot as I remember everything that happened before. The courts, the dance lessons, the real Maven. I quickly bring my thoughts back to the present as we reach the doors I've walked through so many times.

One of the sentinels knocks and the door immediately opens. Maven's sad eyes and serpentine smile greet us.

"You are excused," he says to the sentinels as he ushers us inside.

His rooms are the same as they were the last time I was here. He motions for us to follow him to his sitting area and we all take a seat in the comfortable chairs.

"You look terrible," I say, breaking the silence between us.

Maven smiles his first real smile I've seen in a long time and says, "I've missed your shitty humor Mare."

Maven leans back in his chair and looks us both over. "So, when are you freeing me from this torture?"

"Whenever you're ready to leave," Cal answers him.

"Then let's get out of this place," Maven says as he gets up from his chair and walks out the door.

Cal and I follow him as he makes his way down the numerous halls and out into the courtyard.

"Isn't anybody going to wonder where you're going?" I ask as I notice a few worried glances thrown our way from passing court members.

"Like they care," Maven answers me as he heads into the airfield and towards our jet.

I look over to Cal who's looking at me, worry outlining all of his features.

"It'll be ok," I whisper to him. "We'll get the real maven back."

He just nods and forces his attention back on Maven who's quickly approaching our jet. We catch up to him and we all climb inside and take our seats. Maven sits in the front and I sit down next to him, earning me one of his rare smiles.

"I've missed you," he whispers to me watching me with those cold icy eyes of his.

I just smile in response and turn to Cal who's sitting on the other side of Maven. He smiles and I smile back. He's finally going to get his brother back.

I turn to the window and watch as Whitefire and all of its painful memories fade away as our jet takes off towards the Lakelands. Towards the place where we'll finally bring Maven back.

I know I say this a lot, but I'm sooooo sorry that I haven't been updating regularly!!! School just keeps me sooo busy and I've been struggling with writer's block for the past week. But I finally got two chapters out for you guys! Hope you guys enjoyed and get ready for the next chapter, its gonna get deep ;)

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