Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Mare doesn't talk to me the entire ride home. She spends most of the ride crying into my chest and all I can do is sit there and offer her company. I know how hard it was for her to say goodbye to all of them. They've all been through everything together and they're practically her family now. I understand how much she must be hurting. So I stay here, offering her my warmth and my comfort.

Eventually, she falls asleep, her head in my lap, and I look out the window, watching the countryside go by.

There's so much that needs to be fixed. So much work that needs to be done. But I know we'll restore everything to its greatness. Hopefully, the new laws will help us become even better and stronger than before.

Anabel told me she'd be visitng in the next few weeks so that she can prepare for my recoronation and our wedding. It honestly feels so soon. I don't know if Mare will be ready to just jump right into things, but our country needs a leader and they need something to get excited about to help boost everyone's moods after everything that's happened. I know Mare will understand that and go along with the plans. I just hope that she'll be okay.

I eventually doze off, waking up later to find Mare looking out the window from the other side of the transport. It's still dark out so I haven't been asleep for long.

I watch her sit there, looking so lonely, so lost. Her brown hair with the bright purple ends is tucked behind her ears and I notice something that I've never seen before. She has earrings all down her ear.

"How long have you had those?" I ask her, causing her to jump.

She turns to look at me, confused as to what I'm talking about. I motion to her ear and her fingers gently run over the little different colored gems.

"My brothers each gave me one every time they went off to the war," she says quietly. "Kilorn gave me one too. When he thought he would be conscripted."

It almost seems like a lifetime ago, the conscriptions and the war. I nod in response and admire them and she turns to look back out the window.

"But there's five gems. I thought you only had three brothers?" I ask, recounting the gems, trying to figure out if I'm missing something.

Mare freezes and without turning to look at me quietly says, "One of them is from Cal."

"Ah," I say in response, wondering why he ever gave her an earring. Or why she still wears it.

"Why do you keep them in?" I ask.

"To remember. Them. Everything from before. Just to remember everything we've all been through," she answers, turning to face me again.

I give her a nod and take her hands in mine. Her pretty little face looks up at me and I give her a smile.

"I may not have given you a special earring, but I will be giving you a ring," I say and she laughs a little, looking down at her hands as she blushes.

I turn to look out the window again and notice that the sun is starting to rise. I can see where we are now, not too far outside of Archeron. We continue to drive, passing through little red villages where people are already up and moving about. I look over at Mare and watch her looking out the window, noticing how she looks at each person she sees. She looks so sad. So helpless.

"Mare," I say taking her hand in mine, "I promise we'll do everything we can to help fix this. To put things right again."

Mare just nods in agreement, continuing to watch the people pass by.


An hour or so later, the gates to our capital city appear before us. We're allowed through and what I see inside makes me smile.

Hundreds of reds and silvers crowd the streets cheering for our arrival. It's always like this when royals return to the city, but the excitement was always faked before. They were always forced to act happy that we were coming home. But these people, they really are happy we're back. They came because they wanted to, not because someone told them to.

Many of them are waving flags adorned with the emblem of the Scarlet Guard. Others are waving purple pieces of cloth with a lightning bolt embroidered on it.

I look to Mare who is looking out the window, gasping at what she sees before her.

"I think they're excited to meet their queen," I say to her and she blushes a little.

I push a button on the ceiling and Mare looks at me confused.

"Maven, what are you -," she starts to say, but stops when part of the roof of our transport begins to open.

I stand up with a smile on my face, pulling her up with me.

"Why don't we show them their new queen," I tell her.

Mare looks back at me, completely mortified. I just shake my head and step onto the seat so that everyone can see me out of the roof of the transport. I wave at the people cheering on the street before looking back down at Mare.

"Come on Mare. I promise you you'll be okay," I tell her extending an arm down to her.

She stares at my outstretched hand for a while, debating on whether or not she should. Finally, she takes a deep breath before grabbing my hand. I smile and help her up with me. The second Mare is visible out of the roof, the cheers get louder. Mare stares in astonishment at all the people around her while I wave at everyone.

"Well wave at them, Mare!" I tell her.

Mare slowly begins to wave at everyone, a smile creeping across her face.

By the time we reach Whitefire, Mare is beaming like a little kid. I know she's ready for this. She's going to be an amazing queen.

Hope you enjoyed this little filler chapter filled with some cute Marven moments. If you enjoyed, please leave a comment and vote!

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