Chapter Thirty-Five

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Maven and I record numerous broadcasts with multiple costume changes throughout the day. The broadcasts range from updates on Norta and the Lakeland's, an update on our allies, the real story about his father's death, our new red equality laws, our engagement, and reconstruction.

Anabel manages all of them, leaving every once and a while to check on Cal and his own broadcasts.

When we're finally finished, Maven and I head back to his rooms and I immediately collapse on his bed, exhausted from a day of hair, makeup, fancy dresses, fake smiles, and cameras.

"Is this what being married to you is going to be like everyday?" I ask, face shoved into the blanket.

Maven just laughs from his spot by the window where he's taking off his regalia and crown. He places them on the desk before walking over to me and helps me sit up before taking off my own crown made my Ptolemus this morning.

It's beautiful, a silver crown full of intricate lightening like designs and inlaid with a few gems representing the Nortan colors.

Maven sits down next to me and begins pulling the many Bobby pins and gems out of my fancy updo.

"You'll get used to it. Eventually, the smiles aren't always fake. But the clothes are still uncomfortable," he says with a smile, causing me to laugh.

He takes out the last Bobby pin and my hair falls back down and I let out a groan as I massage my aching scalp.

"From now on, they can just do something fancy with my hair down," I say, causing Maven to laugh.

When he stops, he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear and his icy blue eyes meet mine, warm like the blue flames he creates instead of the cold that they used to be.

"I love you, Mare," he says, smiling a little making me smile as well.

"I love you too, Maven," I say back.

He pulls me to him and his lips meet mine, causing thousands of butterflies to take flight in my stomach. My hands run through his hair and the kiss deepens and his hands find my waist causing me to melt under his warm, safe touch.

He pulls away suddenly, much to my dislike, and cups my face with his hands.

"Mare, I love you. All of you. Every inch of you is perfect. I want you to be my wife. I want you to be my queen. But most importantly, I want you," he says quietly, emphasizing the last want.

"Then you have me. All of me," I whisper in response.

He kisses me again, making me forget everything that's going on around us. Making me forget everything that's happened, everything I've been through. All I can think of is him.

His hands play with my hair before moving to slip down my back, stopping at the zipper of the dress I'm wearing.

He pulls away again, waiting for me to breathe normally again before asking, "Are you sure?"

I nod in agreement, words failing me at the moment and he wastes no time pulling me back to him, our lips meeting again in a deeper kiss than we've ever shared before.

He unzips my dress and I unbutton his shirt before he falls back onto the bed, causing me to fall on top of him, pulling us under the sheets.


Hours later, I lay in Maven's bed, the room around us dark except for the faint light of the moon coming in from the windows.

He's asleep under the covers beside me, his arms wrapped around me, keeping me close to him, not that I mind at all.

I should be sleeping by now but I can't help but think about everything that just happened and the fact that I'm happy. The fact that whenever I'm with Maven, I'm happy.

He never fails to make me smile and will do everything possible to keep me happy. He really does love me. And I love him.

Maybe being his queen won't be as bad as I think.

The next morning, I wake up to the sun streaming through the windows and Maven's arms still wrapped around me. I turn around to face him and he gives me a kiss that makes my stomach fill with butterflies all over again.

"Good morning Mare," he says, giving me a soft smile.

"Good morning," I say back, smiling back at him.

"Breakfast is on your nightstand," he says, pointing behind me at the food filled tray.

I eagerly grab it and devour the fresh fruit and fluffy pancakes. Maven does the same with his own food.

Once I'm finished, I set my tray back on my nightstand and Maven immediately pins my arms down on the bed and hovers over me.

I laugh before saying, "I just woke up and we have things to get done today."

"I know," he says, not bothering to move. "But I have good news first."

"And what's that," I reply, starting to smile.

"The broadcasts were sent out this morning and we've gotten some very positive reviews from both the Lakeland's and Norta," he says.

"That's a relief," I reply, a weight lifting off my chest.

"That's not even the best part," he says quietly, his face getting closer to mine.

"And what's the best part?" I ask, smiling wider.

"We're going home," he says.

"To Whitefire? Together?" I ask surprised.

"Together," he says before kissing me.

Once we pull apart, I stare into his icy eyes. "I didn't think we'd be going back so soon."

"Neither did I, but I guess the gods are working in our favor," he says getting off of me so that I can get up.

"When do we leave?" I ask, still trying to process the fact that I'm going to go back to Whitefire, this time as a soon to be queen.

"Tonight," he replies climbing out of bed and wandering over to the closet. "We better start packing."

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