Chapter Thirty-Three

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It's a beautiful day out here on the front steps of Cal's new palace. Such a shame that I'm out here because of such dreadful people.

Ptolemus and Volo Samos climb out of their transport and begin making their way to the steps where we're all standing.

Davidson, Farley, Anabel, Mare, Cal, and Evangeline, all dressed in their regalia, standing next to me.

Evangeline is no longer standing next to Cal, which she was very happy about earlier, but now, as she watches her father and brother walk up the steps towards us, she honestly looks a little scared.

Cal steps out to greet them first, after all this is his new territory. After Cal is finished, we all follow suit, taking turns bowing before the unwanted visitors. Evangeline gives her brother a hug and gives her father a quick bow before quickly returning to our line. I don't think anybody missed the hateful frown on his face when his daughter appeared before him.

"Well, now that introductions are all out of the way," Cal starts after we've finished, "Why don't we head inside and get right to business?"

Volo gives a curt nod and Cal leads us all into a freshly decorated meeting room where we all take a seat at the large mahogany table. Cal sits at the head, his grandmother on his left, myself on his right with Mare next to me. Davidson and Farley sit next to Cal's grandmother and Evangeline sits on the other side of Mare. Volo is at the end of the table, his son to his right.

"So, what brings you here Volo?" Cal asks.

"I would just like to know what's going on with your countries and what's going to happen with mine," Volo states casually.

Cal nods and begins to fill him in on the combined Norta, its rulers, its red equality laws, and its current allies.

"As you know, Piedmont is still allied with my brother's Province of Norta, and both of our provinces are still allied with Montfort, the Scarlet Guard, and all of the high houses willing to follow our new laws," Cal says, pausing. "But, we're sorry to say that we're no longer allied with The Kingdom of the Rift. In fact, we'd like the rift back."

Volo just stares at Cal, nostrils flaring. "I refuse to break our alliance or relinquish my kingdom."

He stands, leaning on the table. "I will give nothing back to you Calores for all you ever do is take."

Before anyone can respond, a dagger flies into Volo's chest, causing him to stagger backward and fall back into his chair.

Ptolemus jumps out of his seat and tries to pull the dagger out of his father as he shouts for a healer. Volo tells his son to shut up as the color slowly drains from his already pale face, his eyes locked on one person at the table.




Everyone sits at the table, shocked at my father's sudden death. But I don't pay any attention to any of them as I stare at my father's corpse, my dagger sticking out of his chest.

Really, I shouldn't have been able to kill him. He should've sensed the dagger coming. But my father gets weak when he's angry. He's never been good with his powers while focusing on his own rage.

It's quiet in the room, except for my brother's sobbing. I know he'll understand why I did it and I'll owe him an apology later.

"He was staring at you," I hear Maven say quietly.

"That was your dagger," Mare says even quieter.

I don't say anything in response and let them think about that for a while. Loyal Evangeline killing her own father. Quite the surprise for them.

"Well, that's one less problem we have to worry about," Farley says, and the comment brings a smile to my face.

"Why doesn't everybody return to their rooms," Cal says and everyone slowly gets up and heads out the door, everyone glancing back at the family left behind.

Eventually, sentinels come to take away the body and I bring my brother to my rooms.

"Why?" Tolly says to me once I close the doors. "Why did you do it?"

"I wanted out, Tolly. He was making all of our lives a living hell and didn't care about any of our feelings. He was just going to make things worse not only for us, but this whole world," I reply, walking over to my bed.

He follows me, yelling, "Well that doesn't mean you had to kill him!"

"Well, what else am I supposed to do? Talk to him? Reason with him? He would never listen to me or anyone else!" I yell back.

Tolly sits down next to me and softly says, "I know."

I put my hand on his shoulder and softly say, "I'm sorry, Tolly. I know it hurts to lose our father. Especially since you were so much closer to him. But I promise you that there was nothing else I could've done."

He just nods his head and we sit there together for a little while, his sniffles the only sound in the room.

"So what're you going to do now?" He asks me, turning to face me.

I smile at him before saying, "I hope you don't mind if I steal your wife and we run off to Montfort together."

Tolly just laughs and smiles back at me. "Of course Evangeline. I just want you to be happy."

I give him a hug and he hugs me back. We stay there for a little while before I pull away and ask him, "What're you going to do?"

Tolly looks down at his hands that are fidgeting with the blanket. "I'll stay. I was bred for court and you've come this far with their cause. I'd like to help too."

He stops and looks up at me, tears in his eyes. "I want to help do something good. I don't want to end up like dad."

I pull him into another hug and let him cry into my shoulder.

I understand why he wants to stay. I'll support that decision. But I will never let him become our father. I can promise him that.

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