Chapter Ten

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Mare's Pov

I watch the screen as we all sit in silence, waiting for someone to say something. Evangeline tenses and I can almost feel the hate rolling off Volo. Potlemus is just sitting there stunned while Julian and Annabel seem surprised. It doesn't take much longer before Volo to jumps out of his seat, causing his chair to fall over behind him. He leans on the table, creating very noticeable dents in its metal surface.

"You want to save that traitor of a boy? That monster of a child who took everything from you, this boy king that we're currently trying to kill? And you want our help in this idiotic stunt? I sure as hell am not helping anyone save that wretched king," he yells with hate laced in his words.

I feel the temperature start to rise in the study.

"Tiberias, don't. Let us handle this," I whisper to him.

Before he can reply, I turn my attention back to our camera and say, "But, Volo, you don't have a choice. If you want your crown and your kingdom, you need allies. And Tiberias, Montfort, and the Scarlet Guard are currently the only ones you've got. And if you don't help, then you're gonna find yourself alone."

Volo glares at me, never breaking his gaze. If I were in the same room as him, I'm almost certain there'd be metal spears flying at me from all directions.

"So, Volo, what'll it be?" Farley says into the camera, a smirk clear on her face.

Volo grips the table even more, and I see a worried glance pass between Julian and Annabel. Potlemus reaches out to put a hand on his father's shoulder to try and calm him, but his father's grip on the table never falters.

My gaze is taken from Volo to Evangeline when she speaks.

"We'll help," she says before turning to face her father. "We need allies more than anything, and we're not going to let some stupid plan of theirs get in the way of getting what we want."

A knowing look passes between the three magnetrons and I notice Volo relax. His grip on the table lessens, and I watch as one of his children removes the dents their father made.

"We agree," he chokes out before turning and storming out of the room, his children not far behind.

We're left with just Julian and Annabel who are still sitting in shock. Annabel recovers first and rises to speak.

"Cal, what are you thinking? Saving Maven? How do you expect to get Norta back then?" She says trying to sound motherly, but the annoyance in her voice is easily heard.

"Nanabel, we know what we're doing. We have a plan and you may not agree with it, but it'll work and once we figure out what's going on with Maven, we'll work that stuff out. But for now, we're saving him no matter what you say," Tiberias says back, fire in his tone.

I almost smile at the bewildered look on Annabel's face.

She's clearly not used to people telling her what to do.

"If that's what you want," she says quietly before leaving.

Julian bows before following her out.

Davidson turns off the camera and his computer, leaving us alone in his study.

"Well, that went a bit better than expected," Farley says, earning a small smile from all of us.

"Now that that's dealt with, I've got things to discuss with my government, so if you'll excuse me," Davidson says, rising from his chair and exiting his study.

"I've got to relay this plan back to command," Farley says as she follows him out.

I'm left with Tiberias who's suddenly very fascinated with the floor. I look around the room, not sure if I should leave or try to start a conversation.

"Do you think it'll work?" I hear him say and I turn to face him.

He's watching me, waiting for my answer.

"I don't know. There's so much at risk, and we're relying on a lot of ifs and an ally who isn't too wild about saving our enemy," I reply looking down to the floor.

"Is it even worth it? We're risking so much and we don't even know if it'll work," I hear him say and I look up to see tears in his eyes.

I reach out and put a hand on his arm. He tenses at first, but eventually relaxes.

"It'll all work out, Tiberias. We'll figure it out no matter what. We always do," I reply, giving him a small smile.

"You have to stop calling me that," he growls out and I smirk.

"Well, it's your name isn't it?" I say back.

"To a kingdom and a bunch of stuck up royals in court, yes, but to you, my name's Cal," he replies looking up to meet my eyes.

I stare into his inferno filled eyes as his hand reaches up to my arm. He starts moving closer and I do the same, missing him and the comfort his warmth brings. But right before his lips are about to close around mine like they have so many times before, my common sense comes back and I let go of his arm and pull out of his grasp.

"Cal, we can't," I whisper and he nods as he gets up.

"I'll see you tomorrow Mare," he says as he stands, looking at me one last time before walking out the door.

I stare at the door for a while replaying what just happened in my head. The hurt in his eyes when I pulled away. The cold that seeped into the room after he left.

I eventually wander back to my room. My family's nowhere to be found. I flop down on my bed and let the tears roll down my cheeks as it finally sets in.

I've let Cal go.

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