Chapter Thirty-Four

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The rest of the day, everyone stays in their rooms. The servants bring us our meals and no one says a word to each other. No one heads off to find the orphaned children. No one talks about what's going to happen next. That can wait until tommorow.

I spend the day writing letters to my family, informing them on everything that's happened recently. I mention Maven, the provinces, the new laws, Volo's death, myself promising to become queen, and even mention them coming back to live in Maven and my's palace if they're not too comfortable in Montfort.

A maid takes the letters away and I hope they find my family soon. I miss them all. My fingers brush over the earrings along my ear, Kilorn's, Shade's, Tramy's, Bree's, and lastly, Cal's.

I spend a good part of the day staring out the window in my rooms at the lakes, thinking about everything I've promised. Everything I still have to do.

I'm still at the window when the sun sets and darkness sets in. I rise from the chair I was at and collapse into bed, welcoming sleep, something I don't get very much of anymore.

The next morning, I'm immediately called into a meeting by Cal and head over to a different meeting room than the day before.

Everyone is inside waiting, except for Evangeline. Instead, her brother is in her place.

I raise a brow at Farley and she smirks in response. Where is she?

"Tiberias, if you don't mind, I'd like to start off this meeting," Davidson says.

Cal nods and everyone turns to face the Montfort leader.

"As some of you may have noticed, Evangeline is not with us today. Last night, she asked me if herself and Elane Haven could go to Montfort together. I made arrangements and they left early this morning. Needless to say, Evangeline no longer wants to be a part of any of this," Davidson says.

Everyone sits in shock for a bit, except for Ptolemus who must've known about the whole ordeal.

"And what's going on with you, Ptolemus?" Cal asks and all eyes shift to him.

He seems quite nervous for a silver when he says, "I was hoping to stay and join your cause. I never agreed with everything my father did, I was only forced to follow him. I'd like to regain my family's title among the high houses and help all of you create this new world."

Farley, Cal, and Davidson exchange glances before Farley says, "And what will make us think we can trust you?"

Ptolemus sits and stares at her for a long time before saying anything.

"I just let my sister run off with my wife, who I only married so that my sister and her wouldn't be separated. I let her run off to a land where they could be together because I know it'll make her happier than being forced to stay here, no matter how much I need her with me. If that doesn't make you believe that I can be trusted, I don't know what will."

Farley leans back in her chair and looks to Cal, seemingly satisfied with his answer.

"Maven, what do you believe we should do?" Cal asks, turning to his brother.

Maven thinks for a bit before responding with, "I think we should put it to a vote."

Cal nods in approval and stands up from his chair.

"All in favor of allowing Ptolemus Samos reclaim his family's spot among the high houses, raise your hand."

I watch as Maven, Anabel, and Cal all raise their hands.

Cal continues with, "All in favor of not allowing Ptolemus Samos back into the high houses, raise your hand."

Farley's hand immediately shoots up and I don't blame her. Ever since he killed Shade, she's been dying to put a bullet in his head. Davidson's hand soon follows hers.

"Mare, you didn't vote," Maven says to me.

Everyone's eyes turn to me and I turn to look at Ptolemus who looks absolutely scared for his life at the moment.

"I'll vote yes, he can come back. I mean, he never agreed to do any of the things he did. He was forced to by his father, and god help anyone who crossed that man's path," I say.

Ptolemus lets out an audible sigh of relief and thanks us all for the opportunity and the kindness. We all just nod in agreement, except Farley who doesn't seem to like the idea at all.

"Well, now that that's out of the way, we have some more business to discuss," Cal says, not wasting any time. "The rift now belongs to Maven's province again. Finally, our new country of Norta has restored all of its missing pieces. Now, all we have to focus on are our futures."

Maven stands as Cal returns to his seat. "As the new king of the Province of Norta, I would like to share some exciting news with all of you," he starts, his smile wider than ever.

He holds out a hand to me and I take it, allowing him to pull me up from my chair, confused on what he's doing.

"Standing here with me is the Province of Norta's first queen, and all of Norta's first red queen, Mare Barrow!" He says, turning to face me.

Everyone smiles and applauds politely and I just bow. Maven could have at least warned me that he was going to do this.

We take our seats again and Anabel rises from her chair.

"Now that that announcement has been made, we need to get to work. We have broadcasts to get out to the people as soon as possible. So everyone out. Everybody is needed somewhere," she says.

We all rush out of the room, directed to the numerous rooms in the palace where all of us will be recording our broadcasts on a variety of subjects.

As Maven and I head to our room for our province's broadcast, he gives my hand a squeeze.

"Time to show the people their queen, Mare," he says, giving me a smile.

I smile back, but can't help thinking to myself that most of these people have already seen her. And they're either gonna love or hate her.

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