Chapter Sixteen

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I am sooooo sorry it took me so long to update! I just got back from vacation tonight and thankfully already had some pre-written chapters, but needed to edit them before publishing. But thankfully, I still got them done, and it's still Wednesday, and you guys still got your update!

On a happier note, this story has almost 250 reads! That's really not that much, but it still means a lot to me! Thank you guys sooo much for continuing to read this story! You have no idea how much it means to me!

I'm done now, so go enjoy your two chapters!

Mare's Pov

After Evangeline leaves, I'm left alone in Davidson's study. But I can't leave. I can't move. I can't stop thinking about that boy.

His name is Sam. He's a whisper. Stronger than Elara. Elara ruined Maven. How can this boy be so happy and nice when he has a power as deadly as that?

It scares me how nice he is. No whisper should be that friendly.

I clear my head of my thoughts and realize I'm still in Davidson's study. I leave and wander down the halls as I head towards my rooms to get ready for training. After all, it could be any day now that we get the opportunity to strike.

When I reach my rooms, I throw on my training suit and quickly braid my hair. The gray ends stare back at me in their twists. Maybe I should get that fixed. Maybe.

I head back out the door and towards the training arena. I wonder what Cal has in store for us today. Last time, my arms were covered in cuts in bruises. That reminds me, Cal never did get me a healer.

I walk inside and find my group in our usual area. Farley, Tyton, Ella, Rafe, Cameron, and the teleporters, all waiting for me in the corner. I run over and pull the three other Electricons, and Cameron, into a hug.

"Mare!" Ella happily yells as she hugs me back.

The others do as well and we break out of our group hug.

"It's so good to see you guys," I say giving them all a genuine smile.

"This is great and all, but we have some training to do," Farley says before any of us can say anything else.

"Right. What's going on today?" I ask.

"Cal said to just run over the plan," Farley says.

"That's it?" I ask surprised.

"Exactly what I thought," Farley says before telling everyone what to do.

We go over our plan a few times, fixing mistakes and trying new things until we finally have it down perfectly.

"I think we're ready," I say as we're all taking a water break a while later.

Farley nods in agreement.

"Good, because we leave tomorrow," a deep voice says from behind me.

I turn around to see that Cal has walked over to us.

"Tomorrow? Is everyone else ready?" I ask.

"It doesn't matter if they are or not. You guys are the most important part of this whole thing and if you're ready, then we're all ready," he replies. "Now go and get some rest. We leave early tomorrow morning."

With that, he walks off to another group.

"Well, you heard him. Training's done for the day," Farley announces before walking off.

Everyone else follows her and I head over to Ella and Cameron.

"Those ends are getting a little out of control Mare. Thought about dying them yet?" Ella says with a smile.

"Thought about dying them, but not the color you're thinking," I reply with a smile.

"Come on, purple would be so fun," Ella says, pouting.

I laugh and she soon joins in.

"You seem pretty happy considering we're about to go to war," Cameron says with a faint smile on her face.

"Well it's nice to catch up with my friends," I reply and they both smile. "See you guys at dinner?"

They nod and I wave goodbye as I head back towards my rooms. Once there, I take a quick shower before putting on a simple, dark purple gown. I brush out my hair before heading down to dinner.

Once there, I notice that Evangeline is the only Samos here. Cameron, Tyton, Rafe, and Ella have replaced her parents and brother. I head over to my usual seat by Farley.

"Where are they?" I ask her, motioning to the royal's usual seats.

"Don't know and don't care," she replies before filling her plate.

I give a small smile at her response before turning to my own plate and filling it with the delicious food in front of me. Might as well eat now. Who knows if I'll still be alive for dinner tomorrow night.

The rest of dinner consists of short conversations about tomorrow. Eventually, Cal dismisses all of us, saying we need to get our rest. I wander back to my rooms and head inside where I throw on a nightgown that I find in the closet.

I decide to get my stuff ready for tomorrow and start to grab my uniform and red patch from my bag.

As I'm pulling them out, I notice something red in one of my bag's pockets.

I set my uniform down on the chair beside me and reach into the pocket. I pull out a single red earring.

Cal's earring.

I stand there and stare at it for what feels like an eternity. It shines back at me, the light causing it to sparkle.

After deciding what to do with it, I head into the bathroom and watch my reflection carefully puncture the skin in the top of my right ear with the earring. I slide it in and use a tissue to wipe away the blood that dared to drip out.

I trail my fingers down the numerous studs on my left ear. All from people I love and who love me.

My fingers stray to the lonely red stud on my right.

The only earring from someone who betrayed me.

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