Chapter Thirty-One

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A maid brings a letter to my chamber and I immediately dismiss her.

It's from Tolly.

I rip it open with the iron tips of my nails and unfold the parchment inside.

Dear Evangeline,

Maven is really normal? How did this happen?

Father received your letter and is making arrangements for us to come meet you all in the Lakelands as soon as possible. Like you, he has concerns on where we'll stand in this whole situation and what's going to happen with the crowns. But based on what you've told us, there's reason to believe that maybe only one Calore will rule over a combined Lakelands and Norta. And if that's the case, father wants you engaged to them as soon as possible. He's even talking about moving up the wedding to before the coronation.

I'm so sorry Evangeline. You know I'm doing everything I can to stop father and his madness but no one can change his mind at this point. Elane misses you and she's scared for you. Please be careful for both of our sakes and don't be doing anything that could possibly make father want to hurt you because I wouldn't put it past him at this point.

Stay strong, Evangeline. We'll be there soon.

Your brother,


I fall back onto the bed, the letter drifting to the floor after falling from my hand only moments before. Tears stream down my face as I take in every word Ptolemus said.

No matter what, I'm engaged to a Calore and I'm getting married to them as soon as possible.

I'll never have my freedom, never have my life with Elane, and never get out of this wretched mess the Calores, Mare, and my father have created. It's because of them I'm stuck here in an engagement I don't want.

I tear into the pillows on my bed with the iron tips from my nails, screams erupting out of me.

The tears come faster and I collapse into the pile of torn up pillows and stuffing on my bed, breaking into sobs.

I'm trapped and I can't get free.

I'll never be free.



Maven and I walk into Nanabel's temporary study, already decked out in a combination of her and my own house colors.

"It makes me so happy to see both of my grandsons together again," she says to us with a smile, rising from her chair at her desk.

We both give her a hug and we take seats facing her as she sits down.

"So, I'm sorry to have to bring this up now, but we need to figure this out. What's going to happen with the kingdoms that is," she says, her tone more serious than it was when we entered.

I glance at Maven who glances back at me and I can tell we both have no idea how this is going to go.

"As we'd agreed earlier, both of you will rule over a combined Norta consisting of current Norta and the Lakelands. You two just need to decide which province of the new Norta that you're going to rule. We'd mentioned earlier that Maven will continue as the king of current Norta just because everyone there still believes you killed your father, Cal. Is this still okay with you boys?" she continues.

I look over at Maven who speaks next. "Well, some of the people of Norta aren't exactly happy with me and what I've done recently. But there is the fact that they still believe Cal killed our father. Plus, Cal did claim the Lakeland's himself with the help of his alliances, so I don't know. Cal, what do you think?"

Maven looks over at me and I can tell that he really doesn't care what land he gets. He's more concerned about me.

I sigh and run my hands over my face thinking about everything Maven just mentioned.

After a while, I finally say, " You guys are all right. The Lakelander people may be more loyal than my own at this point. I'll stay here and rule the Lakelands."

Maven nods in agreement.

"I'll let Davidson know right away. And don't worry, we'll have plenty of broadcasts sent out to the people explaining everything that happened and what's going to happen in the future," Nanabel says before pausing to glance between us. "But speaking of the future, we now need to talk about your queens, a topic I know the both of you have been avoiding."

Mare immediately flies into my mind and I want to punch myself for thinking of her. Of course she wouldn't want to be my queen after I chose the crown over her. She doesn't even want to be a queen anyway.

I look over at Maven who seems to be having the same thoughts as me. He glances over at me and he almost looks scared.

"I think we need to bring in Mare for this," he says nervously and I raise an eyebrow at him but he breaks our gaze.

"I'll call for her right now," Nanabel says motioning for a maid while she looks between us, clearly confused.

A few minutes later, Mare hesitantly walks in. I notice Maven give a little smile and she seems to relax under his gaze. Nanabel motions for her to sit and she grabs the last empty chair in front of the desk.

"So, Mare, we're talking about our future queens," Maven starts, nervously glancing between Mare and me.

"Oh, I see," Mare answers, immediately fidgeting with the purple ends of her hair.

She glances at Maven quickly and the two seem to have a conversation with their eyes.

Seconds later, Maven clears his throat and says, "If Mare is willing, and Cal is okay with it, " he says glancing at me for a second, "I would be honored to have Mare as my red queen."

I watch as Maven grabs Mare's hand and she smiles at him. Maven looks back at me but I can't meet his gaze. I don't know what to think right now. Mare told me she never wanted to be a queen, that she wanted out of the courts that she was forced into. But she'd be willing to marry Maven, be his queen?

I get up out of my chair, storming out of the study feeling myself getting warmer by the second.

She claims I betrayed her, but now isn't she doing the same to me?

Okay, so I kind of haven't been on wattpad in quite a few months. I'm so sorry about that. But now that it's summer, I'm going to get back into writing and my goal is to have this book finished by the time the next school year comes around. So be sure to stay tuned for more updates which will hopefully be coming soon!! Don't forget to vote and comment!!

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