Chapter Twelve

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Mare's Pov

As soon as we've reached the rift, I'm escorted off the plane and stuffed into a transport and carted off to what seems to be a training arena. I'm led through the large doors and into the giant diamond glass walls that hold any type of training equipment available. But before I even get the chance to look at any of it, I'm whisked away to Cal. He's standing on a platform that overlooks most of the arena and the hundreds of soldiers inside of it. He's currently talking to his grandmother who's on the platform as well. The first thing I notice is the crown on Cal's head and the silver, red, and black cape that hangs from his shoulders that proudly displays House Samos's and Calore's joined colors. His future queen is draped over his arm, clearly not looking to happy about the whole ordeal. Her discomfort almost makes me smile. Almost. I've got more pressing things to worry about, like why am I here?

I walk over to Cal and notice that Davidson and Farley are up here as well. Farley notices the confused look on my face and heads over to me with Davidson in tow.

"Does someone want to tell me what's going on here? And more importantly, why I'm here?" I ask once they reach me, irritation very noticeable in my words.

"We're sorry Mare, but Tiberias wanted to have a meeting with the army as soon as possible, and considering you're playing a huge factor in this, he wanted you here as well," Davidson answers in his polite manner.

"But why am I up here with him when I should be down there? I'm just a soldier in this, not a general or a queen or a leader of a country," I reply.

"His request," Farley answers giving me a look that says he still loves you and wants you at his side.

I roll my eyes at Farley and all I get is a smirk before she turns and walks towards Cal. I turn to Davidson who looks a little confused at what just happened, but he shakes off his confusion quickly.

"All you have to do is sit and listen and provide input whenever you think is necessary," Davidson says. "You're the face of this rebellion Mare, and people look up to you. They'll listen to you better than they'll listen to him, so whenever you get the chance to talk, take it."

With that, he walks away to his seat on the platform next to Farley's. I follow him and sit down in the purple chair marked for me. Evangeline and Anabel seat down in their designated chairs as well, leaving Cal the only one standing.

He clears his throat and the room immediately quiets. I watch Cal's foot silently tap on the floor as he begins speaking.

"We're all gathered here today to discuss our upcoming attack on the Lakelands and the Cygnet family," he starts. "We have concluded that the only way this rebellion can successfully win and defeat Norta and it's unfair discrimination against reds, is by taking down their only ally, the Lakelands. Together, all of us in this room, whether you're a Silver, a Red, or a Newblood, you're all here for the same reason. To help us win this rebellion and reclaim Norta as a country that has equal rights for everyone, no matter the color of their blood."

As Cal pauses, numerous cheers erupt throughout the crowd. I slowly feel a frown slide onto my face. So many people out there believing Cal's false words. He has no intention to change the way things are. Especially with Volo and his grandmother on his side.

"Many of you know of the Scarlet Guard and their success in leading this rebellion. We will be using their tactics to help us successfully complete this mission. Therefore, we will not be disclosing information as to how our mission will unfold in this meeting. Instead, in training, you'll be separated into your designated groups for the battle and be given your specific job for the battle and nothing else," he continues. "So, before we begin training, do we have any questions?"

The room sits in silence for a few more moments before a woman steps forward from her place in the crowd. Judging by the flush in her cheeks, I can tell she's a Red, but if she's a Newblood or not, I can't tell.

"How do we know we can trust you?" she yells up to us.

Before Cal or anyone else can say anything, I jump from my seat and walk to the podium. Cal moves out of my way and sits down.

"You all know me and you all know why I'm here, why I'm fighting, and what I think about the situation in Norta," I start. "The Scarlet Guard, the leaders of this rebellion, are allied with Tiberias. Montfort, the country where Silvers and Reds live in harmony, are allied with Tiberias. And I, the little lightning girl, am allied with Tiberias. We all trust him and his promises, and if he tries to back out of any of them, we'll be here to correct his mistakes. If we can trust him, so can you."

I take a small step back from the podium and let out a breath I was holding. I watch as the soldiers nod their heads in agreement and begin clapping at my words. I head back to my seat with a small smile on my lips and watch as Cal takes my place at the podium. He begins dismissing everyone to their training groups and we wait until everyone has exited, until standing and beginning to leave.

As I begin to walk down from the platform, Farley and Davidson walk up to me.

"Perfect, Mare," Davidson whispers to me with a huge grin on his face.

I smile back at him and watch as he and Farley head off to do whatever it is they do in their free time. I begin walking back the way I came and start heading down the hallway to my rooms. I've almost reached my door when someone calls my name from behind me.

I whirl around, ready to fight, but find Cal running towards me.

"Cal?" I ask confused.

"Thank you," he pants, trying to catch his breath. "For in there. Without you, I don't know how that would've ended."

I give him a small smile. "Of course."

I turn and continue walking back towards my room and don't dare look back to see if he's following me.

When I reach my room, I open the door, slip inside, and let out a sigh of relief. I wander over to my closet and slip out of my simple purple dress and throw on my training jumpsuit before rushing back out the door.

I head towards the training arena and try to prepare myself for what might happen in training.

Who knows what Cal has planned for me.

Oh my gosh!! This has over a hundred reads! I'm actually surprised that this book has it made it this far, especially in the little time I've been writing it. So thank you so much for reading and please vote and comment because it means the world to me!!! ❤️

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