Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Cal and I watch as Maven's screams and tears rip through the room. Sam hardly seems to notice, so deep in concentration, sweat forming on his brow. But one glance at his eyes, and I know he's not meaning to hurt Maven.

His eyes are so sad, so broken as he watches whatever memories are being played in Maven's head. I know that Sam wouldn't do this if he didn't have to, but it's the only way to bring the real Maven back.

The screaming and the crying goes on for hours. Cameron brings Cal and I chairs before leaving to eat and get some rest. Cal and I accept the chairs, but don't leave Maven's side. We want to be here when he wakes up, and I don't think either of us would be able to sleep knowing what he's going through.

So we sit and wait as his screams echo through the room.

Hours later, the screams stop.

Cameron is back and runs over to Sam just in time to catch him as he collapses. Cal and I rush over to him as Caermon drags him to a chair.

"It's done," he whispers almost inaudibly before passing out.

Cala and I look to Maven who's now peacefully sleeping atop the table.

Sam fixed him. Is he really going to be the boy we remembered?

I look to Cal who's watching Maven with tears in his eyes. He finally got his real brother back. I just hope that it's really the boy Cal remembers.

I grab Cal's hand and we walk over to Maven and sit down in our chairs. Cameron calls for a guard from the hall to take Sam to his rooms and to get him some food.

But I hardly hear any of it as I watch as Mavens eyes slowly open.



Mare and Cal are sitting next to me and I feel tears stream down my cheeks as I realize it worked.

Elara is gone. I'm me again.

Mare quietly whispers, "Maven, is it really you?"

I nod in response and she lets out a choked sob before pulling me into a tight hug.

I hear Cal let out a breath before joining in on our hug. They're both crying and I feel more tears stream down my own cheeks.

We stay like that for what feels like forever before finally pulling apart and wiping away our tears.

Mare is smiling and I can't help but smile myself.

She's so beautiful. And I know now that my mother didn't just make up my love for her. My love for her was real.

And Cal. I look over to my brother who's staring at me in astonishment.

I finally have my brother back. And he finally has his little brother back again.

"I remember everything," I tell them. Everything Elara got rid of, I remember it."

I look directly at Cal and say, "I remember our childhood. I remember how much you loved me and cared for me. And I remember how much I love you. I'm so sorry for everything, Cal."

Cal just smiles and pulls me into another hug.

"I'm just glad to have my brother back," he whispers to me.

We pull apart and I turn my attention to Mare.

"Mare, I loved you. It wasn't something my mother just made me believe. I really did. And I still love you, but I know that after everything that's happened, how you probably feel about me now," I tell her.

She stares at me speechless for a while. Finally, she whispers so quietly I almost miss it, "I still love you."

I watch as her eyes widen at her realization before she quickly glances to me again. I pull her to me and feel her relax into our embrace.

I smile to myself, happy to know that I finally got her to love me by choice and not force.

We pull away and I stare at her beautiful face as she smiles at me. Cal clears his throat and we both turn to him.

"We should probably inform the others about this," he says looking everywhere but at us.

Mare just nods and gets up to head towards the door where the girl I met when I arrived is still waiting.

I get up to follow Mare, but a hand on my arm stops me.

"You're not going to try anything are you?" he asks, searching my eyes.

"Of course not," I reply and make to follow Mare.

He lingers back awhile before following me, whispering something to the girl on his way out the door.

We all walk down the halls and head back up towards the main rooms of the palace, Mare leading the way, the girl following not too far behind me, and Cal bringing up the rear.

"So what's your name?" I ask the girl, catching her by surprise.

"Why do you need to know?" she replies, practically spitting out the words.

I stare at her confused for a few seconds before catching a glimpse of the tattoo on her arm. She notices my gaze and crosses her arms across chest, covering the tattoo.

"Well do I at least get the privilege of knowing what kind of Newblood power you possess that allowed you the opportunity to be my one and only guard?" I ask.

All of a sudden, a crash of silence devours me and I let out a small yelp as a crushing pain shoots through my skull. Then as soon as it appeared, it's gone.

"I could go farther, but I hate to see disapproval in Mare's eyes," the girl says with a smirk.

I quickly recover and glance to Mare who's stopped walking to give the girl a stare that could cut ice. She quickly turns back around and continues leading us down the palace's main hallway to what appears to be the throne room.

She pushes open the doors to reveal a beautiful room half decked out in the blues of the Lakelands, and half decked out in Cal and Evangeline's new colors. The servants are quickly bustling around the room, riding it of the blues as my grandmother watches. Anabel, Evangeline, and every other ally my brother believes he has is turns towards us once they realize our presence and I give them all a wide smile.

"I'm back."

Wow guys, over 900 reads!!!! That's amazing!!!! Thank you sooooo much for this!!!! :))))))

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