Chapter Seven

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So, before we start, I just want to let you guys know that it makes me so happy to check on this book and see that the number of reads and votes has increased. Every time I get a notification that someone voted, it honestly makes me so happy. So thank you guys so much. You don't know how much I appreciate it. In return, I'm giving you guys an early update with four chapters! It's not much, but it's the best I can do at the moment. And I'm going to apologize ahead of time for this chapter being so short, but I felt like if I added anything, it'd sorta ruin it. So sorry for the interruption. I'll let you get back to the story! :)

Mare's Pov

Cal moves from the doorway and we head inside. I see him pull a shirt over his head as I make my way to the balcony.

How ironic. The last life-changing conversation we had occurred on a balcony.

Tiberias follows me out, worry etched into his warmth filled eyes.

I look away from him and instead turn to look out at the forest that seems almost black in the night.

"Tiberias," I start and I notice him flinch at the use of his real name. "It's about Maven."

The temperature immediately rises masking the night chill.

He stands in silence waiting for me to continue.

"Davidson showed me a paper not too long after we got here. On it was information about someone. A Newblood." I stop and take a deep breath before continuing. "One that's like a whisper."

I can almost see the heat radiating off of him as I take a step back.

"Why didn't Davidson tell me?" he asks anger clearly evident in his voice.

"He was scared at how you would react. He didn't want you to do anything you'd regret. So he told me and left me with the choice to tell you or not," I reply.

"Thank you. For telling me," he whispers and I nod my head.

We stand in silence as the minutes drag on. I admire the lights of the cities that can just barely be seen from behind the trees. I hear Tiberias sigh beside me and look over to see him running his hands over his tired face. I can see the tears in his eyes and will myself to move and pull myself into his warm embrace. I can tell he's thinking the same thing. But we can't. I have to turn away before I make a choice we'd both regret.

After what's feels like hours, he finally breaks the silence, though his voice is barely above a whisper.

"Do you think we could save him?" he asks without mentioning his brother's name.

Tiberias once told me that he had asked Davidson to look for any Newbloods who had abilities like a whisper in hopes that they could undo what Elara had done to his brother. Back then, I was doubtful that his wishes would ever come true. But now that it's happening, I find myself hoping that maybe there's a way to bring back the Maven who I fell in love with.

"I don't know," I finally reply and he sadly nods. "But it doesn't hurt to try."

My thoughts go back to Maven. The one who was loving and cared for me and wouldn't lock me into a silent stone cage. The one who was a prince hiding in his brother's shadow. I remember his betrayal like it was yesterday and it's left a sizeable scar on my heart. But that was all his mother. If this Newblood can really fix him, I might just get my prince back.

"We need to talk to Davidson and Farley in the morning," Tiberias says and I simply nod.

Here I am with Tiberias now, wishing that his brother was the prince he used to be. Do I actually still miss Maven? Did I love him? Or is it just the fact that I can't have Tiberias, so I want to be with the other?

Tiberias gestures towards the door that leads back into his rooms and we head back inside. He makes his way over to his bed and I watch, wanting to follow, but knowing I can't. Not just because of his choice, but because of Maven and the fact that I might have actually loved him.

"Goodnight Tiberias," I say instead, heading towards the door.

He flinches again, not used to being called his real name by me.

I open the door and hear a quiet goodnight Mare before I shut it. As I walk back towards my own bedroom, my heart breaks just a little more. Something I thought was impossible.

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