Chapter Twenty-Four

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Mare's Pov

Iris's screams fill my ears and my lightening charges into her. Her body slumps, lifeless, onto to the cold hard stones in the prison full of silence. Lerolan guards come in and drag her body away to be buried with the rest of her family. I watch her black hair drag along the stones as one phrase keeps repeating itself in my head.

You just killed one of your only friends you had in that prison.

Tears start to stream down my face as I hear the words over and over. I collapse into a heap on the floor, sobs shaking my body.

I've killed so many and every death has taken its toll. But Iris's, it was different. She was my friend and forced to be enemy.

I cry and cry forever, thinking of all of the deaths I've caused these past few months. The blubs above my head flicker on and off as my emotions take control of my powers.

After a while, I hear a voice from behind me and I do my best to stifle my sobs.

"Mare?" Cal asks, stopping a few feet away as if a few feet will save him from my powers.

"She was my one friend there, Cal, and I killed her. I killed her! And before that, I killed her family!" I say turning to face him as new tears stream down my already wet cheeks.

Cal closes the distance between us and pulls me to him and I cry into his warm, dry shirt. "I know, Mare. But sometimes we have to make sacrifices to protect the ones we love."

His words are spoken with such sorrow, and I realize that he's been through this before, but worse.

I peel myself off him, wiping my eyes and trying to stop my sniffling.

"Are you okay?" he asks.

I nod in response and let him pull me to my feet.

We awkwardly step apart and I do my best to fix my hair and dust off the dust from the floor.

"Sorry about your shirt," I say nodding towards the wet spot on his shoulder.

"It's fine," he replies, shrugging it off.

We stand in silence for a while, both of us not sure what exactly to do now.

"Maybe we should get out of this terrible place," I say looking around the dirty cells surrounding us.

Cal simply nods and we head up the stairs back into Cal's new palace. When we reach a hallway, Cal stops and points to a door a few steps ahead.

"That's your new room," he tells me.

"Thanks," I say before heading over and walking inside.

Cal doesn't follow me and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding when the door is shut behind me.

I take a few seconds to look around the beautiful room before me, all decked out in multiple shades of purple. I smile at that touch and make my way over to my bathroom.

I walk over to the mirror and wash the tears from my face. My eyes are still puffy and my cheeks red, but I don't plan on going anywhere soon. It's been a long day and all I want to do is sleep.

I quickly change into some pajamas I find in my closet and throw my hair into a braid, the purple ends entwining with the brown. I then make my way over to my lavish purple bed and climb under the many blankets.

As soon as my head hits the pillow, I'm asleep.


When I wake up, the sun is shining through the white, see through curtains I forgot to cover up last night. I slowly sit up and stretch, not wanting to get out of the amazing bed. I notice a breakfast tray sitting on a table in the corner of the room and reluctantly pull myself out of bed, hunger taking over.

I grab a seat at my small but fancy table and dig into the waffles before me. There's a note next to my tray and I unfold it as I chew.


We're going to get Maven today. Sam is ready and I don't want Norta under his rule while he's in this condition. Meet me at the runway at 2.

I set down my fork, no longer hungry.

We're going to get Maven today. To help him. To finally free him. To bring back the Maven I used to love.

I check the clock on the wall near a bookshelf that says it's almost noon.

I've got two hours.

I quickly get out of my chair and head into the bathroom to take a bath. Afterwards, I throw on a little makeup and brush out my hair. I pick out a beautiful dress that Allows me to easily rip off the skirt and fight in the leggings I have on beneath.

I'm not expecting a battle or anything, but it's always better to be safe than sorry.

By the time I'm finished, it's almost noon and I make my way out of my room and down the long hallways, only stopping to ask for directions once.

When I reach the runway, Cal is waiting for me in front of a jet, crown atop his head. A small group of sentinels surrounds him, but no else is here. Just us then.

"Ready to go?" He asks as I approach.

"As I ready as I'll ever be," I whisper in response as I climb up the steps into the jet that'll take me to my prison and the one person who loves me more than anything.

Hey I faintly updated!! Sorry to keep you guys waiting soooo long and for making this chapter so short. I'm on student council and last week was homecoming so I was so busy working on that stuff I barely had time to do my homework let alone be on wattpad. But I'm hopefully back now and promise to try and update regularly again. Also, we're over 700 reads!!! That's amazing!!! Thank you guys soooo sooo much for making this possible!! Now this was really long so sorry about that, but thanks for bearing with me and thanks for all of the support for this book! I wouldn't be writing this right now if it wasn't for you guys! :)

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