Chapter Nineteen

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Evangeline's Pov

After getting the call from Farley, I turn towards my army and shoot off my gun. The army freezes and immediately begins to scatter to the different escape tunnels they were assigned. I turn and sprint towards the palace and find my tunnel right outside the gates behind some bushes. I slip inside and climb down the ladder into the dark, dirt passage. I feel along the wall to find my way and do my best to sprint through the dark.

After numerous twists and turns, I finally find the ladder that'll lead me to the field where my jet is waiting. I climb out and hurry out of the hatch and sprint towards the jet. A small section of the army is doing the same and we all climb back onto our jet and take our seats.

I notice all of our seats are still filled. I hope it's the same on the other jets.

We begin to take off and I lean back in my seat, exhaling deeply. My legs are sore from all the running. My throat is hoarse from all the yelling, and I'm coated in a mix of silver and red blood.

I remove some of my armor, not being able to stand the metallic smell of the blood for much longer. I close my eyes and begin to drift off.


I hear commotion and snap my eyes open, ready for an attack. But it turns out we've only landed back at the Rift. I stand up from my seat, grabbing my discarded armor, and eagerly make my way off the jet, pushing people out of my way as I go.

I step off the jet and breathe in the air, not tainted by the sickening smell of blood. I turn towards my home and eagerly search the faces of those who have come out to greet us.

When my eyes catch sight of her bright red hair, I break into a sprint, dropping my armor along the way.

As I run up the steps of the porch, her beautiful face and those mesmerizing green eyes come into sight.

"You're back," Elane says as I pull her into a hug.

"I couldn't leave you," I reply, knowing that shes broken into one of her beautiful smiles.

We break apart and I look around and search for my parents. Not because I missed them, but because I'm afraid they noticed us.

Thankfully, they're not here. I still mentally smack myself and promise to pay more attention next time.

I did happen to notice Cal, and he seems to have noticed me, for he was heading in our direction.

"Nice work out there," he says. "Farley and Mare are getting changed for our arrival at the Lakelands. You better go, and try not to waste too much time."

I roll my eyes at him. "Somebody's mad that he had to miss out on a war."

Cal glares back at me and I turn to head towards the doors with a smirk on my face.

"And you still owe me an explanation," I say over my shoulder before heading up to my rooms.


After successfully washing away all of the blood, sweat, and dirt from my hair and body, I change into one of my new gowns that proudly displays Cal and my's house colors. I throw on some spiked heels and decorate my gown with small metal embellishments before throwing on my countless pieces of jewelry. After that, I style my hair in an intricate braid with strings of glinting steel laced throughout. Lastly, I put on a little more makeup than usual.

And might I add, I do this at a painstakingly slow pace.

As I make my way back outside towards the jet, I notice Farley, Davidson, Anabel, Cal, and Mare all waiting for me. I smile to myself and join them.

"Ah, look who finally showed up," Farley says, rolling her eyes.

Cal glares at Farley before motioning for everyone to board the jet. We all follow his orders and climb inside.

Farley sits in her usual corner and Mare takes a window. Anabel sits at a window behind Cal whos sitting more towards the cockpit. Davidson finds a spot in between Mare and Farley.

I know I should sit next to Cal but I'm going to be sitting there for most of my life. Might as well take advantage of my freedom while I still have it.

I pick a seat on the opposite side of the plane from Cal and we begin to take off. Having already taken a nap on my earlier flight, I look out the window and watch the trees, fields, rivers, and villages blur together as we fly overhead. I eventually look up to see what everyone else is doing.

Farley is asleep, Davidson's signing some papers, Mare's looking out the window, and Cal and Anabel are talking about something.

My gaze flickers back and forth between Cal and Mare. I know Mare doesn't love him anymore, you can see it plain as day on her face. But what about Cal?

I study his face as he talks to his grandmother and then I realize it. Mare and Cal both have that seem relieved look in their eyes. The look that told me that Mare was over Cal. But if Cal has it too. . .

Is Cal finally over Mare?

Yay!! Over 300 reads!!

I also just want to let you guys know that school for me starts this Friday so I may not get to update every week or may have to change my update day. If any of this happens, I'll post it on my conversation board, so if you're not following me, I'd recommend clicking that follow button!

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