Chapter Thirteen

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Mare's Pov

"Mare, I want you working with your team. I want you guys fully prepared and ready for anything when the time comes," Cal says to me.

After walking into the arena, Cal quickly found me and pulled me over to the group of electricons and teleporters.

"This isn't our entire team," I reply looking around and noticing the people missing.

"You guys should practice first before bringing them into it," he says sounding a bit annoyed.

"Fine," I reply a bit harsher than I intended.

I turn towards my group and hear Cal walk away. The other electricons and the teleporters look back at me waiting for their instructions.

"Well, I guess let's start," I say, leading them to our training space. "Can anyone find us a nymph?"


Hours later, we're all soaked, bruised, and exhausted. Our suits are torn and our hair is an absolute mess. On a happier note, training had gone extremely well and I know we'll do amazing during the real thing.

"See you guys later," I threw over my shoulder as I head back to my rooms to get cleaned up.

I walk through the many halls until I reach my rooms. I take a quick shower and throw on a gown and some shoes before fixing my hair and heading out the door and down to dinner.

Everyone besides the Samos siblings are there when I arrive. I sit in my usual spot beside Farley who has turned to face me.

"Rough day?" She asks nodding to the numerous cuts and bruises scattered over my face and arms.

"On the bright side, we're definitely prepared for anything," I say, earning a very small smile from Farley.

"I'll have a healer stop by later," Cal cuts in.

I look towards him and see that he is staring at my minor injuries with a small frown on his face.

I just nod in reply and look down at my empty plate.

Thankfully, Evangeline and Potlemus walk in and take their seats. As soon as they sit down, the maids bring out our many dishes and we begin to dig in.

We sit in silence, everyone watching everyone else. The one thing I hate about Silvers. They're always watching.

When we finish, everyone breaks into a few scattered conversations. Annabel, Cal, and Evangeline are discussing when to air their engagement announcement. Volo and Potelemus are whispering to each other, no doubt trying to figure out how to overthrow us. Davidson and Farley are discussing something to do with Cal, but I can't quite hear the details.

I'm the only one without someone to talk to. So I sit, watch, listen, and think.

I watch Cal and Evangeline's disgusted expressions as Annabel brings up more wedding plans. I try to listen to the whispers exchanged between Volo and Potelemus. But I mostly think about the battle and our plan.

I knew my part in the plan was going to work out great, but Cal's part worries me. A nymph is a burner's natural enemy. Cal is almost committing suicide. He really shouldn't even be a part of this. I know I probably can't change his mind, but I don't want to see him get hurt. I may not love him anymore, but that doesn't mean I still can't care.

"Cal," I say, causing everyone's conversations to stop. "You shouldn't go."

Cal looks at me, confused, and everyone watches as I explain.

"When we first started training at Whitefire, we were told that water was stronger and could always defeat fire. You're walking into a palace practically made of water. You're pretty much committing suicide," I say, not daring to meet his eyes.

I feel the temperature rise before Cal says something.

"I'm the King. I need to fight with my army. I'm not Maven," he says through gritted teeth.

I sigh and finally look up to meet his eyes.

"Cal, no one wants you to get hurt. We need you. You're important to this rebellion and everyone will understand. Just please don't do this," I say, my voice starting to soften.

"Mare's right," Farley says. "We need you and we can't risk you dying when there's plenty of people who can handle your part in the battle."

Annabel nods in agreement and Cal sighs.

"We need the Reds to think I'm different than the King's they've had in the past. Everyone else sat on their thrones and had somebody else always doing the dirty work for them. I can't do that if we want them to side with me," he says, before getting up from his chair and storming out of the room.

His grandmother jumps out of her seat to follow, and we all watch the door click closed behind her.

We all sit in silence until I can't take it anymore. I get up from my seat and walk out, not caring to look back.

I wander down the many halls and eventually find my rooms. I throw on a t-shirt and some leggings before climbing into bed, igniting the aches in my muscles as I move.

My exhaustion finally catches up to me, and I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

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