Chapter Twenty-One

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Maven's Pov

I feel the temperature in the room rise as I read the numerous reports coming in about the attack on the Lakeland's.

All of the Cygnets dead.

All that were there anyway.

Iris is standing at the balcony trying to hide her tears, but failing.

Iris is the last living heir to the Lakeland's throne. She's my queen. This means that the Lakelands are mine.

I smile to myself at the thought.

I'm interrupted when one of my messengers bursts into the room, quickly falling into a bow. I motion for him to stand and he hands me an envelope, the worried look on his pale face all I need to know this isn't going to end well for me.

"Your Majesty, your brother, King Tiberias, has sent word," he gets out between breaths.

I tear open the envelope and read over the familiar handwriting written on a piece of Lakelander stationary.

Dear brother,
We'd like to propose a meeting to discuss the current situation we find ourselves in. You pick a place and a time. We also have a proposal for you. One we believe you'd be eager to hear. And it has to do with freeing yourself from your mother.
See you soon,

I stare at the letter in my hands trying to process everything I've read.

Free me from my mother?

I get up and stride towards my desk, burning the letter in my hands as I go. I fling myself into the chair and pull out a piece of stationery with the royal seal and begin to write.


"Why are we here?" Iris asks, glancing around at our surroundings.

After a short jet ride, we've reached the location of our meeting. A mostly deserted island. We're currently sitting in the thrones on our side of the dias, surrounded by my sentinels.

"Cal wanted a meeting," I respond casually, toying with some flames in my hands.

Iris watches the flames dance across my fingertips.

Her eyes are still puffy from all of the crying, but her makeup does a decent job of covering the redness. Her hair is curled down her back, a simple crown atop her head. Her gown is all black, except for the dark navy blue sash tied around her waist. To show she's in mourning.

I continue playing with my flames while I wait for my brother to show. He'll most likely want a throne, either mine or the Lakeland's, and I don't plan on letting him have either. And I can't help but wonder, how does he plan on saving me? No whisper could undo what my mother did.

I sigh and extinguish my flames.

The empty purple throne in front of me catches my eyes and I immediately start thinking about Mare. My spies tell me Mare and Cal aren't together anymore, which means I can finally have her without my idiot brother getting in the way.

I try not to smile at that thought, knowing that I don't love Mare. Not really. My mother only made me believe that I did as some sick way to mess with me and give me a weakness.

But a small smile still works its way across my face.

My sentinels tense beside me and I look up to see a few familiar faces heading in our direction.

I rise from my throne and smile at my brother, wearing the colors of our house mixed with the colors of Evangeline's. Their arms are hooked together, and both wear crowns atop their heads.

They won't for long . . . I hear my mother's voice whisper to me in my head and try not to flinch as they approach.

Behind them are Davidson and Farley, and lastly, Mare.

Her hair is curled and she looks absolutely stunning, her purple gown decked in shimmering stones. As she gets closer, I notice the ends of her beautifully curled brown hair are purple, hiding her once gray ends.

Everyone walks onto the dias and takes their seats in their thrones. I sit back down in mine, never breaking my smile as I scan my eyes over the group in front of me.

"Well, Cal, I believe you should start this meeting considering you're the one who brought it up," I say, meeting my icy eyes with Cal's blazing ones.

Cal stares right back at me, as he says, "We've taken over the Lakelands. Your queen is the last living heir to the Lakelander throne. But, she's married to you making you the ruler over the Lakelands and Norta."

I sit back in my throne and smile at my brother who hasn't taken his eyes off me. "You really think I don't know that?"

I feel the temperature rise around us and know that it's my brother. He opens his mouth to speak, but is cut off by Mare's beautiful voice.

"We know very well that you know exactly what's going on. And as you should know, we want you to turn the Lakelands over to us. Or at least give us your queen," Mare says in an icy tone, her steely brown eyes boring into mine. "And because we know you won't give us what we want without something in return, we have an offer for you. One you'd never refuse."

"And that wouldn't happen to be you would it? Your rooms are always free," I say and smile wider when Mare stiffens and I briefly see fear cross her beautiful eyes.

"Something better," she whispers harshly, walking towards my throne.

She stops before me and leans in to whisper in my ear.

"Someone who can free you from your mother."

I've been waiting soooo long to start writing Maven's pov and I can't wait to start writing what happens next now that Maven's officially involved in things!!!!! Hope you enjoyed!!!

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