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Mizuki's pov
"I think she saw me with........the fallen God kissing her while sealing the contract."

"Don't tell it's your past contract which Mikage warned you not to renew."

"Yes it is."

"Mikage told you not to do that again, don'tyou realise how dangerous it can be."

"I know but I want to stay with Nanami."

"But you do know it's going to hurt her too."

"I know but sharing my powers with her will make her a part of me. I will be able to feel her emotions even though she can't sense mine. I am fine even if she hates me for it"

"But, you could go back to your evil self even you could forget her."

"I will never forget Nanami she is my life." Tomoe falls on his knees.

"Tomoe kun are you okay?"

"I deserve this because Nanami is going through same amount pain because of me."

I help Tomoe to stand and take him to his room. I could see the pain of betrayal in his eyes tears are rolling down his cheeks. He was sobbing during are whole conversation earlier too. Tomoe told me to leave him alone after arriving to his room. I want to punch him but I can't because he cares for Nanami more than his own life. Whole night silent sobs could be heard from Nanami's room. Neither Nanami nor Tomoe came out of their room it's been three days since the ball. Whenever I enter their room to give them some food both of them look devastated.

Nanami didn't probably notice it but now she is giving out the same aura as Tomoe. Everyday I go to Tomoe's room and talk about Nanami because I am still afraid for both of them after knowing the contract rules. Tears fall down Tomoe's checks whenever I mention about Nanami's state. Both of them haven't ate a thing since the ball. I need to do something for both of them to make up with each other. So, we all decided to have a small meeting to do something about this too.

"We need to do something for them."

"We really need too" everyone shouted.

We have made a plan I really hope its succeed and they both get together again. In the night Ami qnd Kei sneak in Nanami's room and locked her in the storage. We(Kurama and I) also did the something with Tomoe and locked him in the same place. I hope they talk this out.

Tomoe's pov
"Untight me!" I hear Nanami's voice. I burn the ropes with my fox fire and removed the cloth piece from my face and followed the voice. It was coming from the opposite end from where I was kept tied. I saw Nanami tied up like me I burned her ropes as well. She looks at me with the hint of pain of betrayal in her eyes. She didn't utter a word after I untied her. I just look down.

"Nanami please hear me out?"


"Nanami we need to talk this out?"

"What do you wanna say Tomoe now, I saw you kissed that lady in the garden."

"Please let me explain the situation to you please." Tears are rolling down from our faces.

".............please don't tell a lie." She sobbed.

" I swear on myself I won't tell you a lie."

I just placed a small kiss on her forehead and started to explain everything after I finished my last word. She just hugged me sobbing more but this her tears were full guilty.

"Nanami please don't feel guilty it's not your fault the situation in which you saw me probably anyone would have left betrayed."

"But,only if I trusted you a bit more." She said still hugging me.

"It's fine I don't blame you for reacting this way please stop crying."

She slowly started to calm down we are just embracing each other. I place my head on hers and whispered.

"I should have told you earlier about this."

We hear the door creaking open everyone stood there looking at us. I just give them a smile. Everyone seemed so happy just by looking at us make up. I whisper them thank you and carry Nanami to her she is clinging to me like a koala now. I notice Nanami's aura has change and it's similar to mine.

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