Chapter 2-Who Am I?

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Virgil's POV:

There was just darkness. Never-ending, cold, darkness. Then a wave of warmth hit over me; I saw light. I then saw someone with a sad expression and a blue T-Shirt with gray pants, they started crying which then made someone who looked just like them cry too. They were then greeted by somebody with a warm smile who looked much older than them, was it their mother? Then someone else popped up, someone who also looked the same as the sad person, but happy. They wore a blue T-Shirt too but that colour had a warmth to it.

"Hi I'm sadness," sniffed the sad one.
"Hi I'm-" I paused, who was I? I felt extremely nervous and many whispers filled my head, how can you not know who you are? You're pathetic. Are you dead? Do you have amnesia? This is ridiculous! I started breathing heavily not knowing what to do.
"Hi, I'm happiness, aka the heart, but you can just call me Patton," stated the other.
Neither of them were paying any attention to me. I looked down at my hands and I was...transparent!?

It's 10 years later and a lot has happened. Many more sides have appeared and some are pushed to the side as they are thought as 'dark' and 'bad'. Virgil still doesn't know who he is but for about 5 years he has known what he is. He is anxiety. He still does not have a physical presence but he has a small impact on Thomas. With every day he's getting more and more paranoid. He doesn't feel like he'll ever be noticed. Until Thomas' 11th birthday...

Patton's POV

"Happy birthday toooo yooo," everyone sang at Thomas' birthday. He was 11 today! Bring on acne, anxiety and puberty. Suddenly, I heard a voice I've never heard before, a raspy voice that seemed to sound like they had been coughing for hours. It said sarcasticly," Woohoo. Another year closer to death." I flinched at he sound and then said, "Who said that?"
"I heard it too Patton," Roman said.
"I can hear it but I can not see it. Their must be a logical explanation to this!" said a panicked Logan.
"W..Who are you?" I asked the voice.
"Y...You guys can s...see me?" said the voice sounding as if they were hyperventilating yet laughing at the same time.

Virgil's POV

As everybody sang to Thomas, I added a sarcastic comment and the 3 main sides heard me! I couldn't believe it.
"I'm anxiety," I breathed out in relief.
"Don't be so vague, what's your name?" said Roman, man had he gotten into the prince thing.
"I..I," I couldn't tell them I didn't know my own name.
"Roman, there's more important things than that, like why we can't see him," said Logan, whos question was more important but I still couldn't answer that.
"I...I don't know why you can't see me," I whispered, hanging my head in shame.
"Well what about your name kiddo?" said Patton, he didn't sound demanding of information or a logical explanation, he sounded genuinely interested and concerned about me.
"I don't know that either," I said, my voice high, raspy, embarrassed and quiet.

Roman's POV

It has been 2 weeks since that anxiety fellow showed up. All he did was make Thomas doubt everything he was doing and put bad thoughts in his head saying multiple things like, "What are you doing wrong?" Or, "Why is this taking so long? It shouldn't take this long?" God he's so selfish, never thinking of Thomas. I'm so glad I can't see his stupid face but yet its annoying as I never know where he is.

Logan's POV

It's been 2 weeks since our awareness of anxiety, well, his voice, we've always known Thomas had anxiety. Not many people or fearless, especially not Thomas. I think anxiety is just adjusting to being heard and will calm down but for now, he is being a nucence.

Patton's POV

WOW did I predict the future! A voice called anxiety shows up just as Thomas blows out his candles. Weird huh? Roman and Logan don't seem too fond of him on account of the fact that he is making Thomas very anxious and paranoid. I think he's just a little excited finally being heard, though sometimes he does annoy me a bit too.

It's the 19th of October 2016, and as Virgil looks into Patton's mirror, something strange happens...

Virgil's POV

Patton, Roman and Logan were all in Romans room discussing something, knowing their weekly ritual, it was probably me. Logan had really become a nerd, wearing glasses, a black polo-shirt, a blue neck tie, black pants, belt and shoes. Roman had really gotten into the prince thing, he wore a white tunic with a red sash and had a samuri sword. Patton was now also morality, looking like a father with glasses, a blue polo-shirt, a grey hoodie around his shoulders and cream pants but on the inside he was a child, how ironic. Thomas didn't know their names so called them Morality, Logic and Creativity.

I got bored so I went into Patton's room. I loved his room. I loved everything about him, well except for the fact that at times even he wouldn't talk to me. But I'm really to blame for that. I went into his room to look at his mirror with the pictures of his favourite things and all of the sides. Recently, I've felt more real, like after years I'm a person, but I'm not.

As I looked into his mirror, something looked back. It looked like Thomas but more, dead inside. He had black eye shadow underneath his eyes and wore a black hoodie. I flinched at such a sight. It copied everything I did. Was reflection?!

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