1000 Reads!!!!

270 13 11

Oh my gosh, we actually did it! We got to 1K reads!!!!!!! Words cannot describe how happy I am. You've all been so loving and supporting and great and I'm so thankful for all of you, you guys truly are amazing.

You have made me note confident in my writing and I am so so so thankful for that. You guys are the best audience I could've asked for. You're so supportive and kind and I wouldn't be where I was now without you guys!

When I first started this story, I thought to myself:
"No one will read this, this'll just be a one chapter thing,"
I had so many ideas and theories but I thought no one was gonna listen but oh boy did you prove me wrong!

I'm so lucky to have you guys and find this fandom. Honestly, I think the Sander Sides fandom is the best fandom ever! Not in the world, not in the solar system, not in the galaxy but the best in the universe! Everyone is so supportive and nice.

Honestly, I can't thank you guys enough! But I'll try:
Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!

And a BIG thank you to:

You guys are truly amazing and have been with me since the beginning I love you guys to the moon and back.

When I wrote the first chapter,
I had no faith,
Now it's 18 chapters after,
I'm full of faith.

So a big thank you,
To all who read,
I didn't have a clue,
Where this story would read.

So thank you again,
All my Homesickles,
I don't know when,
I'll find something that rhymes with Homesickles.

Okaayyyyyyy that was bad. Poetry is NOT my thing. I just can't compute that we have 1000 reads it's just like WOW. I feel like I'm dreaming.

I love all of my Homesickles!
Enjoy the little video I made (it's really bad btw)

Peace Out Homesickles!

(Hope fully that works!)

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