Chapter 7- Plan C

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Violence 🤕
Blood 💉
Logan's POV

I was sat on my bed reciting the numbers of pi when I heard a knock on my door. It was a demanding knock.
"Enter," I said, not looking up from the infinite numbers.
"Miss me?" a voice hissed as my door slammed.

I looked up at him, my eyes burning with fury.
"Deceit," I growled.
"It's Logic to you,"
"Do you remember the first day Anxiety showed up and-"
"You kissed him and he verbally attacked me? Yes," he said cutting me off.
"Yes, well, you really can't know that so-"
"But I already do, so I don't see point of you coming here, go back to where you belong, in the darkest, deepest, evil place in Thomas's mind," I spat.

He didn't hesitate, he threw a powerful punch at my stomach and I doubled over clenching my sides.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way," I knew exactly what he was talking about, he is part snake after all.

Roman's POV

I drew his name in my notebook over and over again in different fonts and colours. I entwined our names together creating a purple when the letters connected. Logan, Roman, Logan Sanders, Logan and Roman, Roman and Logan. It made sense, it was right. No two names were ever more meant for each other.

Patton knocked on my door and handed me cookie me.
"Looks too gorgeous to eat Pat," I smiled not realising I hadn't covered my notebook.

Patton smiled and said,
"You do like Logan!"
He whispered, "I knew it! I knew it!"
"Please don't tell anyone, I'm waiting for the right moment," I begged.
He giggled, "Ok, kiddo, I won't tell a soul."

Virgil's POV

"Deceit! Deceit!" I cried.
All of the dark sides stared at me.
"Where is he?"
"On the moon idiot,"
"Not in the mood Stifel,"
Paraniona sighed, "He's in his room,"
"Thanks," I mumbled.

I got to his door and knocked.
"Who is it?" he sang.
"Anxiety," I reluctantly said because of the other sides.
He opened the door and scowled,
"I don't wish to see you right now,"
"Look, I don't have time for this, we need to talk,"
"About what?" he snarled.
He looked confused as he let me in. I began to explain.
His eyes lit up.
"That's the spirit Virgil!"

After I went through the plan I added,
"Don't hurt him,"
He glared at me.
"The others would notice the bruises,"
"Oh let me have my fun!"
And with that he stormed off.

Logan's POV

"Hold still!"
"Look at me!"
My ribs were aching but I wouldn't give in.
"You're making me angry," he growled with glowing eyes.
"Really I hadn't noticed,"
I fell to the ground.
I curled up and protected my ribs whilst fighting back tears.
I stood up and tried to punch him but instead got punched insanely hard. The room started spinning and my vision blackened. The last thing I heard was his laugh.

Virgil's POV

I heard Roman and Thomas talking about Disney and Roman was reciting the lyrics of Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious and he got up to the word atrocious so I naturally rose up on queue.
"Did someone say atrocious?" I asked smiling.
Surprise surprise, Roman was right on time with his instant hate towards me,
"Are you kidding me? We have expelled you from the last two videos, do you know how rude it is to interrupt a vlog?"
"W-Ah Ok," Thomas said, knowing that Roman was being hypocritical, "Well Anxiety I've gotta admit, I don't know why you are here,"
Before I could sstop myself, I blurted out,
"Simple, I too, am a Disney fan." Would they accept me if I liked Disney too?
Roman starred laughing mockingly,"You!" and continued laughing.
"What? Why is that so hard to believe?" I asked starting to get annoyed.
"Disney movies are the embodiment of goodness and purity, something you would know nothing about,"
Was I that bad? Dec sees the good in me. No, this is all just mindgames. I'll play mindgames.
"You must not be watching the same movies then, because the movies I know have much more sinister undertones," I replied.

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