Sympathy (en.)

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Zayn wakes up early. He has plenty of things today. He eats breakfast, brush his tooth and gets to work.
Zayn works at Syco and meets a lot of artists. The Backstreet boys, the script, Bryan Adams... People consider him lucky to know such known people.
While he drives, he buys a coffee thinking about the cold air of winter.
He stops the car as he arrives at the high building. He gets out of his Porsche with his warm coffee and is about to enter when he sees a shadow next to the bin, in the snow. He runs to this shadow.
Who stays out at this temperature?, he says to himself.
Walking at the person looking asleep in the snow, he grow worried and finally run. He crawl next to the person who looks frozen and claps him gently on the check. Not moving.
What's wrong with him?
He looks at the homeless looking boy on the ground attentively. He has short brown hair and a beard. A dark beard. He looks pretty strong, big chest. He's tall, even if he's on the floor.
Zayn put the boy on the bench and put his coat on him. Poor guy.
His eyes flutter and the boy finally move.
He helps him to his car and drive to the hospital.
-I'm tirsty... Says the poor guy with a husky voice.
-Here take my coffee, I haven't drink yet.
-What's your name?
-Liam.. You?
-Zayn. What happened to you man?
- I just, nothing...
-it cannot be nothing, your lips are blues.
- I was beaten and I just ran away, I could not live like that anymore...
- Oh my... Are you ok now?
-Yeah, fine.
- You have a place to go tonight?
-No. Why do you think I live in the streets?
- come at my house.
- Never at the first night boy!
-Funny... Seriously I don't want you to stay in the cold streets...
-... Fine. Just don't talk about anything that happened.
- We'll go at the hospital and you'll come at mind tonight okay?
-Okay... Thank you...Zayn.

c'est un imagine bromance pas romance ;) si vous aimez en anglais dites le :) si vous n'aimez pas, dites le avec tact s'il vous plaît <3

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